Plastics anyone??

on 11/3/10 10:39 am - Newton, NJ
I am thinking (ok more than thinking) about having plastics with Dr. Fodero in Florham Park NJ. I am at the point that if my Ins comes back covering enough I am going to do it... but I would like some feed back from someone who has used him.

Anyone use him for a Lower Body Lift?
If so can you describe your experience and were you able to get any Ins. approval?
if so what percentage was paid by your ins?
If you had to do it over would you?
What was your time frame for going back to work?

on 11/3/10 11:17 am - Hackettstown, NJ
I used Dr.  Fodero for my plastic surgeries and I think the world of him.  I had my plastic surgeries done in 2006 & 2007 and I'm still thrilled with all the work he did.  He is a talented surgeon and was very caring and sensitive to all his patients needs.  His new office is absolutely beautiful and state of the art in every way possible.  his Staff are great and I still enjoy checking in with them. 

I had a abdominoplasty, flank plasty and breast lift on my first surgery then six months later went back and did my thighs and he did around my back.  I did not have any skin breakdowns or rashs so insurance did not pay for any of mine. 

My thigh surgery was the hardest recovery.  These types of procedures involve long incision lines and everyday movements do pull and cause a lot of tension on them.  So Rest and Healing are a priority those first couple weeks.  I was out of work for a couple weeks but even then I was still slowed down when I first went back to work.  It was the longest recoveries I've ever endured and yet I would go back in a heart beat and do it over again.  Just put your mind to it and go into it knowing it does take time to feel 100%.

Good Luck!

on 11/4/10 9:32 am - Newton, NJ

Thank you for the reply. I do have some skin breakdown and have had some rashes so I hope that the insurance will cover. I have been going to the Dr. for any minor issue just to have the documentation for the last 3 to 6 months.. I hope hope it works since without the insurance money I can not have plastics..

Thanks again for your insight on Dr. Fodero, I really thought he was nice but I don't know anybody personally who has used him..

Life is a Beach
on 11/11/10 5:21 am
I'm interested in a breast reduction. Anyone have this done and can give me a recommendation?
 "I may not be moving fast or gracefully, but at least I'm moving!"            
on 11/11/10 10:23 am - Newton, NJ

Ha !! I need mine re-inflated and put back where they came from... I was pleased with the people at Dr. Fodero's office, I can not speak for his work yet but they were very kind and made me fee as comfortable as could be with the process.

I am submitting for insurance approval for skin removal and so pic's had to be taken... so it was not "fun" but they made me feel like it was a positive experience and not like I looked like a deflated balloon.

Good luck !


Life is a Beach
on 11/11/10 10:58 am
Do you mean they aren't supposed to hang to my waist? lol  Since funds are limited I need to stay "in-network" to have it covered I'll have to check if Dr. Fodero is in my plan.
Good Luck to you too Stella!
Fran :)
 "I may not be moving fast or gracefully, but at least I'm moving!"            
Jennifer Q.
on 11/13/10 10:41 pm - Newton, NJ
 Hi Stella, I had my plastics in NYC but the ins. company did not pre-authorize the procedure.  Two weeks post op I asked the Office manager to submit for the panni anyway...what did I have to loose...They ended up paying nearly $4000!!! I was so happy!! They said they would have paid MORE if it was pre-authorized, but it was still covered at a lower rate since the Dr. said it was medically necessary.  So, regardless of what the ins. says prior to the procedure, always have the Dr. submit for EVERY procedure they do. Best of luck to you!!~Jen

SW 241.6/ CW 138.8/ GW 140
    At Goal 12/11/2009          
on 11/16/10 8:37 am - Newton, NJ

We will see, I am worried about the money since I have to pay it all before I have surgery so I need the pre approval.. and plus I have to have it at the hospital since it is a lower body lift and can not be done out patient so if not covered by insurance I would have to pre-pay the hospital too..

Who did your surgery? If you have time send me an e-mail, [email protected] I would love to speak to you more.. I am in Newton too..




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