Iron Infusions experience...

on 10/3/10 3:31 am - Brick, NJ
Hello Friends-

Since my gastric bypass surgery more than 4 years ago I have become severely anemic.  I have gotten more tired with each passing month it it seems.  Finally my PCP sent me to a hematologist.  He said he sees this in a lot of WLS patients.  I have done well with the surgery-and have kept of all 100 pounds that I lost-but I had more energy when I was heavier.

So, the hematologist prescribed 3 iron infusions for me.  I went  each Tuesday morning for 3 weeks in a row.  The worst part was getting the IV in, since my veins like to hide.  The treatments themselves were not bad.  After the third one I had pain in my back, they say this is common.  The iron stimulates the bone marrow to make more red blood cells...thus increasing your iron count.  I do feel better...  I used to CRAVE ice like mad.  Since the first infusion the sight of ice makes me sick.. I have tried to eat it, it grosses me out now.   ( I even found a message board for people that chew ice!)

Anyway-I finished my Venofer infusions almost three weeks ago.  I have more energy. I have to go back to the hematologist this Tuesday and he reviews my bloodwork to see if my body is holding onto the iron.

I am looking to see if anyone else has done these infusions-and what the results were.  The doctor told me that I may have to get these infusions once a season... that's not bad.  Just looking for anyone else's experience with Venofer.
Michelle Brennan
Gastric Bypass-Dr. Trivedi
Aug. 31 2006
Kathy W
on 10/4/10 3:31 am - NJ
Hi there,

I had my gastrice bypass 6 years ago. I have kept off 125 of the 150 that I lost. I get iron infusions about 2 times a year for the past 2 years now. I see my GI for the infusions. He also specializes in Bariatric patients. (its great not to have to worry about my "altered" anatomy if the person who is going to scope me is familiar with it!) The infusions have made a world of difference. I'm not so tired OR cold all the time now.

on 10/8/10 2:07 pm - Randolph, NJ
Hey Kathy:

I am looking for a doctor who understands the post-wls patient's body. Can you recommend your doctor? Where is he located?

on 10/8/10 3:41 pm - Suffern, NY
IV infusions of iron are a great thing. I had them many years ago when I suffered from severe iron deficiency.  Unfortunatly I was allergic to the stuff but it worked great.  I went into the hospital for my treatments and got the necessary breathing treatments and steroids that I needed but it really helped my iron and ferritin levels a great deal.  If I needed it again, I would do it again under the proper supervision.

The trick is to take oral iron in between but to take the proper oral iron.  Most people take ferrous sulfate or ferrous fumerate and then say they can't absorb iron.  Even most prescription iron has these ingredients.  As post ops with malabsorbtion, we can't absorb these types of iron.  We need carbonyl iron or heme.  Heme is the best but very expensive, so it is usually best to start with carbonyl iron plus vitamin C.  If you go to you can get what they call Tender Irons - they are 60mg capsules and they have the necessary vitamin C in them.  A good starting dose is 3 per day. Some have to take up to 5 per day but since after your infusions, your ferritin will have gone up, 3 will probably be a good starting place.  Make sure you dont' take it within 2 hours of your calcium or thyroid medication.   IF that doesn't work, you can increase from there.  Then there is Proferrin as your next step - that is  heme iron - you don't take that with vitamin C and can be taken with calcium.  By taking the oral iron, you might not need to get the infusions as often and you shouldnt' be as fatigued in between


on 10/13/10 6:06 am - Brick, NJ

Thanks for all of that information!  It's a lot to digest.  I went back to my hematologist 2 weeks ago and was told that my iron did not go up that much.  I went from a 9 to an 11.  So, it did help, but not enough.  I was told to take ferrous fumerate, like you mentioned.  I am taking 2-3 of them a day-along with stool softeners-it feels like a bottle full a day.  I don't understand how the iron is enough to constipate me-but not enough to keep my bloodwork good? 

My doctor is testing me for a mediterranean blood disease, he said my bloodwork indicates more than iron deficient anemia....but something deeper.  So-we will look into that.  AND I am going to look into all of those ideas about how to get better iron for me.

Michelle Brennan
Gastric Bypass-Dr. Trivedi
Aug. 31 2006
(deactivated member)
on 10/13/10 1:29 pm - NJ
How low does your ferritin have to go before you get infusions?  Mine is very low (13 in March) and I am going for bloodwork this week to see if it has increased any more. 
on 10/14/10 5:17 am - Brick, NJ
Hello Jennifer-

I need to get my bloodwork to see what my ferritin level is, and what it was before the infusions.

OK-got it.  The morning before I started my IV treatments of Venofer my ferritin (serum) was 5.
2 weeks ago-after 3 IV treatments it was 85.

The number that my doctor reference's most often is my hemaglobin.
Before treatments my hemaglobin was down to a 7, now it is 11.3.
The low end of "normal" is 11.5, according the the lab that does the bloodwork.

What is your hemaglobin?

Michelle Brennan
Gastric Bypass-Dr. Trivedi
Aug. 31 2006
(deactivated member)
on 10/14/10 9:32 am - NJ
I am going for labs tomorrow (I wanted to go earlier this week, but I have to fast and forget in the morning and have my coffee!).

In June 09 - ferritin was 27, March 10 it was 13.
In June 09 - hemaglobin was 14.2, March 10 it was 13.

Below is the rest of the iron stats - first column 06/06, 2nd 03/10.

Iron Bind.Cap. (TIBC) (250 - 450) 260 322
UIBC (150 - 375) 178 249
Iron, Serum (35 - 155) 82 73
Iron, Saturation (15 - 55) 32 23

Everything iron related is trending downward; and I have a feeling it's not any better, and probably worse.  I will go tomorrow AM and get the labs drawn and compare as soon as I get results.

Thanks for your help; my PCP is on board for sending me to the hematologist for infusions if need be, so that is a huge relief too!
on 10/14/10 11:47 pm - Brick, NJ

Please keep me posted with your newer bloodwork.  Your numbers don't look that bad, they are still in the normal range....I would encourage you to try and eat more iron rich foods....before they get worse.....are you taking iron now?  What kind did your doctor tell you to take?  I have heard different things.  My doctor has me on ferrous fumerate, but I don't know if it's working, since I just finished the infusions.  I have a script for blood work in another 6 weeks...

My hematologist told me that he thinks the gastric bypass surgery itself is starving your it's going to be a life long journey to not starve myself now.  It does feel like that lately. My energy level is so bad.  Some days are better than others, but most of the time I am so tired. I always need to be mindful of what I am eating, and eat things that I don't like, just to stay awake...and alive.

How is your energy level?
Michelle Brennan
Gastric Bypass-Dr. Trivedi
Aug. 31 2006
(deactivated member)
on 10/15/10 4:36 am - NJ
I will keep you posted.  I made an appointment at Labcorp because the earliest I can get there is 9, and I hate to wait if I have been up since 7 and not eaten or drank anything - I would pass out!

I am going Thursday morning.

I am wiped out some days.  I am going to send you a PM :)
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