Can't decide on Lap band or sleeve!!

Andrea H.
on 9/22/10 11:26 am - Middletown, NJ
VSG on 04/08/13
 Having a hard time deciding.  I am hearing no so good things about the band!! Any suggestions???

on 9/22/10 1:40 pm

Like everything in the universe, both have pros and cons.  Can you give us  little more info on yourself...  age, weight + history...  are you good at losing, but bad at maintaining?  bad at losing?  binge eating?  
   I would suggest you read the revision board for a while.  You'll see the people there that are having troubles with their types of surgery. On the surgery boards, you get the works in progress, sometimes newbies of 2-3 months out, posting how they LOVE their type, but don't have experience with the 'long run'.   Reading several boards may give you a balanced view.
   You've picked the two restrictive surgeries....  the RNY and the DS add in a malabsorption component.  Are you trying to avoid that?  The restrictive types are good if you can maintain a loss on your own, once you get some help losing it.
    Give us a little more info, and I'm sure NJ folks will chime in with their pros and cons on the surgery types.  Good luck with your research!      Mary C

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog:

Andrea H.
on 9/23/10 12:44 pm - Middletown, NJ
VSG on 04/08/13
 Thank you for your info.  I went to a seminar in March and was all for the lap band.  A few people I know had it done, and look wonderful after some hard work on their own.  Then some people tell me it may be a waste of time, and probably going to end up doing a bypass anyway.  I like the fact that it is less invasive, and up until now I was a little undecided.  I am just waiting for my approval and surgery date.  Everything was submitted to my insurance this afternoon.  So hopefully within next week I should have an answer.  All day I weighed pros and cons on both surgeries, and I still think lap band is the way to go with me.  I think it is just last minute jitters.  I really do appreciate you input.  Just a minor freak out I guess. 

Thanks again!!!


HW 300, SW (Realize Band) 268, Revision to VSG 264

on 9/23/10 6:55 am, edited 9/23/10 6:55 am
I see that Dr. Washington is your doc.  He has EXCELLENT seminars and He fully explains each different kinds of surgery, which makes it much easier to make up your mind.  Call Mara at His office and find out when His next seminar is.

He's a great guy and wonderful surgeon.  I had the band put on on July 7th and couldn't be any happier, no complications at all and I feel great.

Good luck on whatever you choose.

on 9/25/10 9:03 am
I'm also one of Dr. Washington's patients. I went to a seminar back in March. Originally, I had planned on lap band, but after finding out about the sleeve, I felt that would work best for me. I'm scheduled for my surgery in November. Best of luck to you whatever you decide.
on 9/26/10 6:59 pm - Suffern, NY
If you are having second thoughts, please think long and hard before having the lap band.  It is the surgery with the highest complication rate, lowest weight loss rate, very high rate of post op reflux, lowest rate of reversal of diabetes.  So many people end up having revisions to either RNY or DS due to slippage of the band, band erosion, band flippage, weight regain, lack of weight loss.  If you have either diabetes or reflux preop, it is definitely not the surgery for you.  DS is the best for diabetes but RNY is still very good for reversing it and RNY is the best for getting rid of reflux.  The malabsorbtion makes weight loss alot easier.  You will need to take more supplements for life but you get used to it.  With RNY, you can't take NSAIDS ever again.

It is alot to think about but look into all your options before desiding on the lapband.  I would hate to see you having an unsuccessful surgery and then needing to have a revision


on 9/26/10 9:56 pm - Randolph, NJ
I recommend you visit the band board and the complications board.

I believe it is important to know yourself, and understand what life will be like after each type of surgery. (Because each requires different lifestyle changes.) Then decide what you are willing to do to be successful and stay healthy.

Whichever you choose, it has to be the right one for YOU. Keep in mind, however, that the lapband remains inside of you, and the port lays under your skin. In my opinion, this is not "non-invasive." There are arguments for and against every surgery, but I don't think the term non-invasive is really appropriate when referring to something that is installed in your body.

Some people like the idea that the lapband is "reversible." I don't understand why someone would want to have that option. Its like going into a marriage saying "I can always get divorced."

My point is that the priority should be weight loss and overall health. Its up to you to figure out which surgery will best serve those goals.

Tom C.
on 9/27/10 9:26 am, edited 9/27/10 6:37 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

No one procedure is the best procedure – because if it was, everyone would be getting it.


I know band patients who are very successful. I know band patients who weren’t, and changed to another tool.


I know bypass patients who are very successful. I know bypass patients who weren’t had either a ROSE procedure or band on top of bypass (BOB).


I don’t know many sleeve patients, but on the ones I read on the board (and look at studies) have been successful. However there is too much long-term data out there, and is the only tool that cannot be reversed.


From what I researched,


The average excess weight loss with a bypass is 60 to 80%


The average excess weight loss with a sleeve is 50 to 70%


The average excess weight loss with a band is 40 to 60%.


However, some folks can do better/worst than the average. In my case, I am a band patient, but have lost as much (and as quick) has a bypass patient. Yes, my results aren't typical – but it can happen.


Do research .. Do research .. Do research .. then do more research …





Know whatever procedure you chose, it will be the correct one.


 And also know, no matter what you decide, I will be here for ya (if that’s what you want)

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Andrea H.
on 9/27/10 11:59 am - Middletown, NJ
VSG on 04/08/13
First of all I want to say THANK YOU very much for taking the time out to respond to me.  I do very much appreciate all of your thoughts.  I have been researching weight loss surgery for about 8 years.  I have been to about 5 surgeons and finally have found one that I am absolutely comfortable with.  I am just waiting for approval from my insurance and then I will be good to go.  I think most part I was so unsure on what to do because I was reading the revision forums and was a little nervous about it all.  But in the end I know I will do what is best for me, (I hope).  Lets see how my next appointment goes with the doctor.

Again THANK YOU!!! 


HW 300, SW (Realize Band) 268, Revision to VSG 264

on 9/29/10 11:26 am - Roselle, NJ
Revision on 01/18/12


i just wanted to share my story with you. I like u researched and searched again.... wanted to do rny, but was too afraid. so, i got the band... in 2006. my starting weight was 269 and i got down to 184 in the summer of 2009. as time went on, i started to gain alittle weight, then, i get terrible chest pain, acid in my throat all the time, heartburn... anyway, i thought i was having a heart attack. so i go to the er and they take a chest xray. SURPRISE...... MY BAND SLIPPED..... then i goto my surg. and he sends me for an endoscopy...... and i go two weeks later and..... SURPRISE, ITS A HIATAL HERNIA ON MY ESOPHAGUS. so now here i sit, trying to figure out which route to go.... i have been researching the sleeve mostly. well, whatever u decide, best wishes... i just wanted to share my story with what happened to me, but everyone is different.... good luck keep in touch and let me know what u decided on.....






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