Thursdays Thoughts 07/01/10

(deactivated member)
on 6/30/10 10:01 pm - Piscataway, NJ
Okay I'm soooooooo weary of people saying our boards are lame.  Seriously, I hear it all the time.  The "Rollcall" post seemed successful. So how about a weekly rollcall...I'm calling it Thursdays Thoughts. Once per week, somebody please start the post, include the Thursday date and let it roll! 

KEEP IT DRAMA FREE PLEASE! Positive vibes, thoughts and genuine support only please --- I'm not saying anyone should stick their head in the sand. But I would remind everyone of some sage advice --- NEW JERSEY STYLE ---  

"if you can't say nothing nice, don't effin' say it"  !!!  

So tell us whats on your mind, what your weekend plans are, what has you excited/sad/etc, your latest victory, or perhaps your latest defeat? Let us know a new recipe or just send some love.  

Looking forward to livening up the place...let's get to it! :)  

- Nance

(deactivated member)
on 6/30/10 10:11 pm - Piscataway, NJ
I'm starting...

Looking forward to a loooong weekend, with a BBQ on Sunday with family and friends at my place. Gonna kick back, eat, play games, and hit the pool. Hopefully I'll get in some quality time with myself -- sitting by the pool with a book sounds dreamy! My goal is to exercise Friday, Saturday, Sunday AND Monday. I just need to motivate myself somehow!  PS/Last night was amazing at the IGT (Inconvenient Get Together). Love seeing all the "regulars" and meeting some new folks. It really encourages me and helps keep me accountable. PS/Day 3 in "onederland" -- I'm hoping I don't bump back me, it's gotta stay there at least a week to take hold!  

Happy Fourth of July everyone!
Here's hoping your BBQ choices are healthy and satisfying!!

-- Nance

on 6/30/10 10:53 pm, edited 6/30/10 11:01 pm
Looking forward to a 3 day weekend!  Saturday AM, have a DATE with a new guy to see an art exhibition in NYC, Sunday with family and friends just hanging out, and Monday for catching up with the 'usual', laundry, groceries, cooking ahead!   Planning to stay on track, get all the water and vites in, and NOT go tooo crazy with sweet Jersey corn!!!   I'm  looking forward to some great grilled ears!   Hope you week will be good too.      Mary C

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog:

on 6/30/10 11:00 pm - Milford, NJ
Love this Nance!!

This weekend is going to be a busy one for me. Both of my daughters graduated last week, youngest from 8th grade and oldest from High School. Emotional week to say the least! So on Sunday we're having a combined Graduation party at my brother and sister in law's house. They have a great pool and a nice backyard. So there will be lots of family, friends and kids of all ages there. Really looking forward to enjoying everyone's company and not wanting to "hide" in the house because of my weight!!

Hope everyone has a terrific holiday weekend!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 7/1/10 1:37 am - NJ
wrote a funny come and see

Please visit my OH  Support group:

Where you will find helpful strategies to achieve you goals

Highest 325.7lbs Surgery 295lbs Current 244lbs 


on 7/1/10 1:28 pm - Randolph, NJ
Hey G:

Clicked the link and got an error message. OH says it couldn't find the group or something.

Have a great 4th!

on 7/1/10 1:57 am, edited 7/1/10 1:58 am - newark, NJ
Right now my Thursday thought is how good my leftover grilled shrimp and arugla salad from last night part of my band - I get to enjoy my dinners twice(sometimes thrice!) 

Then the weekend is turning into the week....

laundry and packing tomnight
work tomorrow and getting the cars washed and ready to go
Saturday - Ocean City or BUST!  Hello my friend Mr.'s Hammer time!  Woo Hoo!
Who says you can't win for losing! Gracy 


My jouney has led me to this amazing place known as that I am here I refuse to leave - EVER! ~ July 28, 2010

Adios to the BIG 9-0 look out 100 here I come!

on 7/1/10 1:40 pm - NJ
"it's Hammer time! "Oh you are too funny..  Enjoy  your trip.  Save return.  

Please visit my OH  Support group:

Where you will find helpful strategies to achieve you goals

Highest 325.7lbs Surgery 295lbs Current 244lbs 


on 7/1/10 1:36 am - NJ

I am spending the 4th at a friends BBQ and looking forward to some games.  I love playing games any kind.  I love game night.  I may be having a BBQ on Saturday.  It is still up in the air.

But most of all I am so looking forward to spending a long weekend with DH.  Lookout Monday. He love's morning!!!!! :D.

Please visit my OH  Support group:

Where you will find helpful strategies to achieve you goals

Highest 325.7lbs Surgery 295lbs Current 244lbs 


on 7/1/10 1:37 am - NJ
3 year time limit (inside joke)

Please visit my OH  Support group:

Where you will find helpful strategies to achieve you goals

Highest 325.7lbs Surgery 295lbs Current 244lbs 


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