Program for Life....Saturday in Morristown NJ

Life is a Beach
on 6/27/10 4:47 am
First off, this was my first wls event of any kind. I was there from about 10:30. My thoughts are similar to yours aNEWchapter. Loved our impromptu support meeting. It would have been great to have that scheduled into the day. This was slated as a family event and I had contemplated bringing my 13 year old and am very glad that I did not. He would have been bored out his mind.

While it was nice to see my doctor outside of his office, I'm guessing this event was also geared towards people who haven't had the surgery yet?? Many different bariatric practices were represented and it seemed odd for them to be trying to get new patients from people like us who have already had the surgery. I was thinking that more vendors would have been there reprensenting healthy eating, snacking, etc. There were gyms, plastic surgeons, personal trainers there but I wasn't sure what to do with the vendors.

I couldn't find the cooking demonstrations at first and there was no way of knowing unless I asked and then didn't know I had to sign up to attend. I missed Ed & Heba demonstrating the recipes but as you said, the two male volunteers were very fun doing it.

The speakers that I was able to see were great. Unfortunately the schedule did not go as planned. After one speaker they announced a 2 minute break which then turned into a 30 minute plus break. By then I had to leave for the cooking demo. Also the auction and other speakers were set up in the ballroom where people were speaking which was not a good thing. It was very rude how they were talking while speakers were on. Very disrepectful and it made it hard to hear the speaker. Not a very good set up.

The turnout was not great and it seemed that they were waiting for more people before they put more speakers on. The comedian/ventriloquist referred to the number of people often in his jokes.  We could have done without the DJ right outside the ballroom too disturbing the speaker everytime someone opened the door.

I also want to say that I understand how much work goes into an event like this. I hope that if this event continues in the future that some of these problems are taken into consideration and maybe even prior attendees would be asked for some input on ways to make the event better or more beneficial.
 "I may not be moving fast or gracefully, but at least I'm moving!"            
(deactivated member)
on 6/27/10 7:33 am - NJ
Yanno, I felt that way at the OH conference I attended in Rye Brook.  They had friggin Mary Kay there, Tupperware, and jewelry people.  WTF?!

I was not impressed at all, in fact, it was rather depressing.  I will not be attending another OH event/conference.  

on 7/8/10 3:12 am
Hi! I am one of the coordinators for the My Program For Life Event on June 26th. I just wanted to thank you and everyone else for their criticism. With your help we will be able to make next years event so much better. I have written down all of the suggestions and am always looking for more!

Any ideas on vendors, speakers, activities for teenagers, educational materials, etc. please let me know. WE are going to do our best to make every year even better than the last.

This event is for YOU the patients, for everyone who has and continues to struggle with there weight. The event is to increase motivation and provide a social atmosphere so we all realize we're not alone!

Thank you again! And any/all suggestions you have (especially the things that we could do better) please let me know!

Sheri A.
on 6/30/10 12:32 pm
I arrived just at 9am and stayed till 5. I enjoyed the Biggest Loser contestants, the body contouring seminars and the comedian and the best was the cooking demo by Heba & Ed. I got freebies from the vendors but none of them interested me. I didn't bid on any of the silent auction items but the day seemed to go by and I was glad I stayed to hear Bill speak. I think the vendors should have been downstairs where the cooking demo was with the DJ...the kids stuff was lame and I feel for people who brought their kids. I attended with a friend and we had a good time.
on 7/8/10 3:54 am
So sorry I missed it.  Had planned on attending, but life got in the way.
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