Lap band surgery scheduled...and just found out I have a possible cardio blocked artery...

on 6/7/10 9:12 pm

I am scheduled for lap band surgery in July..During my cardio clearance I had to have a nuclear stress test....I just found out that during the exercise part of the test that they noticed I may have a blocked artery..the Dr wants me to go for a cardic angiogram cat scan..has anyone else had a similiar situation and where they still cleared for surgery..I am so worked up now as you all know that I have been preparing myself mentally to begin this journey...can anyone please give me some feedback.. I greatly appreciate it. Thank You.

on 6/7/10 10:54 pm - Toms River, NJ
I don't have an answer for you Gia -- but take it one step at a time -- do what you have to do and be grateful they found the blockage before surgery -- you'll get that taken care of, and then proceed on your WLS journey -- One Step At A Time!


Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11

on 6/7/10 11:39 pm
Thank you Nannette, being the impatient person I am also along with being the control freak I am eager to know what is going on..Hopefully I will have some answers today and be able to go for the necessary testing and get all this taken care of.
Tom C.
on 6/8/10 12:11 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



Happy to read about your good news. YES I read your post, and finding out you may have a blocked artery is GOOD NEWS !! This “hidden" problem may have never been revealed, until “it was too late". So let’s get past this hurdle first, and move onto the next.


I know a person who was scheduled to have a bypass, when she told she needed a HEART bypass. She was scared, and thought this would definitely knock her out of having gastric bypass. Well she had her heart surgery, and six months later she had her gastric bypass.


She just celebrate her 1 year Heart bypass anniversary and looking forward to her 1 year gastric bypass anniversary. And she is doing perfectly with both.


So I hope this calms your concerns. Know we’re here for you.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 6/10/10 12:02 am
Tom. Thanks so much for your post.   I am extremely anxious and nervous but I know this too shall pass.  I have the Ct Angiogram tomorrow and than will find out what is going on.  One step at a time and you are right it is better to be sure and it is good news rather than walk around with something I didn't know I had.  Hopefully it will be taking care of and than I can proceed with my lap band.  Thanks for the positive reply. 
on 6/9/10 4:08 pm - Suffern, NY
I actually had the CT Angiogram 6 months after my surgery and found out that I have a 60% blockage in my main coronary artery. My cardiologist said it isnt' blocked enough warrant surgery.  I am now on Plavix and Zocor to prevent heart attack and stroke.  She wanted me to take a daily aspirin but I refused due to risk of ulcers from RNY and I also have a history of ulcers preop.  The plavix also has risk of ulcers but not as high a risk.  I take protonix to protect my pouch which unfortunatly makes the plavix a little less potent.

So, go for the test and things will hopefully be fine.  Hopefully it will be just one artery and not blocked that severely.  IF that is the case, they can treat it with medication and diet - the diet you will need to be on for your surgery anyway.  I know with my results, my cardiologist would have cleared me.  Losing weight is the best medicine to lowering cholesterol levels.


on 6/9/10 11:59 pm
I am having the CT Angiogram tomorrow...a little nervous about the test..they said I need to take a beta blocker before and I am a little worried about that.  I have thankfully never had any issues with high cholesterol.  I am worried.  Thank you for your comforting post and I did speak to my surgeon who told me as soon as I get clearance I can proceed with the lap band.  I am just praying all will turn out ok. 
on 6/16/10 9:10 pm
Just to let you all know I have had a Cat Scan Angiogram and Thankfully all is well...I am good to go for my surgery! I am looking to start this journey and I thank you for all your prayers!
Tom C.
on 6/16/10 11:29 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

SOOOOOO GLAD to read the great news !! Ahhh, gotta love this Weight Loss Surgery Rollercoaster !!!

Can't wait to see you on the Loser's Bench in our Winner's Circle.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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