Get in Shape

on 5/27/10 3:04 am - Randolph, NJ
several years ago, my husband ran an half-marathon with Team in Training, which is run by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The runs are part of larger events at various locations. He did the run in New Orleans.

LLS offers a lot of support to trainees. Nutritiional, personal training, coaching, group meetings and runs, and of course assistance in raising funds. There are fundraising goals you must meet to participate, and they vary based on the location of the run. Fundraising targets include your hotel and airfare to the event, and can be lowered if you have miles or make other transportation arrangements.

I have recently reached my goal weight of 132 lbs, a 140 lb loss since my surgery in Feb. 08. My next goal is to get fit, and I think that going from the couch potato I used to be, to a marathon finisher, will be nothing short of a miracle. I will be giving serious thought to achieving this goal with the help of Team In Training, and hopefully do a little good at the same time.

If anyone is interested in finding out more, please click the link below.

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