Need advice quickly

on 5/6/10 3:56 am - South River, NJ
So here's my question...

I began my journey about a year ago.  I have completed my initial consultation, the nutritionist/psychologist portion, AND I've had the six month doctor visit thing.  My plan was for the lap band surgery, and I got the call this week that they've got everything they need, and they're ready to schedule me.

So now here's my question...everyone I know that's had bypass has lost amazing amounts of weight...yet EVERYONE I know that's had lap band looks no different than when they had surgery.  Now I'm wondering if I should just "bite the bullet" and have the bypass.  I have about 95 pounds to lose, high blood pressure, GERD, and other comorbidities.  I have always been semi-successful with diet programs like Weigh****chers, but once I hit the 40 pound loss mark, I plateau.  I'm afraid that I'm going to be wasting my time with the lap band.

I understand that neither procedure is a panacea, and that both require work.  Is it just that the initial loss is "easier" with the bypass because it's faster?  Is it easier to cheat with the band, which would explain the lack of results I've seen?

I guess what I need to hear is lap band success stories...advice, anyone?

(deactivated member)
on 5/6/10 4:56 am - NJ
OK - I got one for ya.....I had the band and had to have it removed due to severe reflux issues.  I also didn't lose a whole lot of weight in the 8 months I had it.  I had about the same amount of weight to lose as you do, and with the band I lost about 15 - 20 pounds (generous estimate).

I am 5 feet tall, started out at 216 and I bounce between 112 and 115.

Sometimes when you have GERD, the band makes it worse after the adjustments begin, at least that was my experience.  And as you know, an empty band really doesn't work.  

I revised to RNY and have lost 103 pounds and couldn't be happier (I had an empty band for 6 weeks and then had it out a month before the RNY - I gained back most of what I lost).  No more GERD.  No more high blood pressure.  No nothing.

Have you looked into the sleeve (VSG) and or DS?

What made you decide on the band?   For me, it was the "less invasive, yet reversable and didn't need to have my guts rearranged, no overnight stay" thing.  I found that I needed the malabsorption to lose the weight too,  Restriction alone was not enough.

I am not trying to dissuade you from the band, just offering what I went through with it.  I know some real success stories, like Tom C., who may chime in.  

But like you said, it is very easy to eat around the band.  I dump with RNY, but keep in mind only 30% of people will dump.  I also don't get hungry like I did with the band (I was still always hungry).

If you want to chat more or have questions, please PM me.  
on 5/6/10 5:08 am - South River, NJ
You're right - it IS the whole "non invasive, no overnight stay" thing, but it's also that I refuse to believe I NEED RNY.  My BMI is under 40, I don't have diabetes, and I'm only 85 pounds overweight.  I've also been moderately successful using diets like WW, so putting the tools to use didn't seem that prohibitive to me.

But I've been reading more, and now I'm a little worried.  I do like to snack, and I do like my sugar. 

I am concerned about the whole "GERD getting worse" thing - because it really can't get much worse than it is.  If I miss ONE nexium, I'm in agony.

Thanks for your advice.  I'd like to hear from some people that WERE successful with the lap band, but I am definitely findind myself leaning toward RNY
Alice P.
on 5/6/10 5:27 am
You would probably have better luck with this question on the lap band forum.
 HW 278 SW 259 GW 170 CW 142 Ht 5ft 6


(deactivated member)
on 5/6/10 6:26 am - NJ
Oh yes - I know the feeling with the missing one pill.  It was like that before I was banded, stayed that way until the first fill, and was really bad.  Then I upped the reflux meds and had another fill, which resulted in constant pain and vomiting.  I got relief from having the band emptied twice and then removed, but total relief when I had RNY.  It was wonderful.

My BMI was about 41, and I didn't have diabetes either.  Just high blood pressure.  I too lost with WW, but was always hungry and never maintained the weight loss.  I actually lost the most weight (25 pounds) with Jenny Craig in my early 20's, and when I was able to spend two hours daily at the gym.  That put me at 120.

I didn't think I *needed* RNY - it was "so drastic", to quote family members.  It was only for "really big people".  Carrying around close to 100 extra pounds isn't exactly small yanno.

Perhaps it's time for a sit down with your surgeon - please discuss your concerns with him or her, especially regarding the reflux.  I know of a few people who actually had the band cure their reflux.  I am the small percentage of people that the band made reflux worse.  See what your surgeon thinks.

You will find many success stories on the band board, and  I wish you well in your journey - please keep me updated as to what you choose.

on 5/6/10 10:32 am - NJ
I have the lap band I and  just had my 3 yr anniversery on May 3rd.  I have lost 77lbs and have about 15 more to go, I lost quickly in the beginning my weight was 247.  If you lose too fast without a lot of exercising you will have a lot of sagging skin to work off and exercising is not my thing, I like to walk and do dance video's so I figured I did not gain this weight over night and I would not lose it that way either.  I was a really big carb eater and that is the reason I chose the band because they do not go down good.  I am proud to say I have not eaten a sandwich or a pasta dinner in 3 years and I do not really miss it. Hope this helps.
Tom C.
on 5/7/10 1:42 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

OK my 2 ¢… Only you know you, and only you know what operation is correct for you.


I have been very successful with the band. Lost around 190 pounds. I have known other band people who have been successful, and I also know a lot of band people who haven’t.


I know a lot of bypass patients who are successful. I know a lot of bypass patients who aren’t.


The real truth on any operation is .. it’s not the OPERATION that makes one successful or not, it’s the person and their determination. Sure one procedure may physically not be beneficial for a person, hence they need a different one.


What you need to do is stop and realize what type of person you are. If you’re a sweet eater and can't control yourself, the bypass is probably the best choice. If you're a large volume eater, and don't care about sweets - then the band is probably a good choice. 


Ok I am off my soap box. No matter what you decide, know we’re here for you.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 5/8/10 2:13 pm - Suffern, NY
If you suffer from reflux(GERD) preop, please don't have the band.  It will only get worse.  RNY is the best option for people with GERD.  The band may be less invasive but you are at risk for it slipping, erroding and so many people need to revise to another surgery because of either complications or lack of weight loss.  RNY is a much better surgery with much better success rate.  If you have diabetes, it will most likely go away as soon as you have the surgery.  You will also lose much more weight.


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