Business cards for dining out?

on 5/5/10 12:44 pm

My DH came home from work the other day and asked me if my surgeon ever gave me a business card to use at restaurants? At first I was totally confused until he explained. The HR woman at his job had R&Y about a year ago and this is what she told him. Supposedly some surgeons give there patients this card to use when dinning out. Its so we can order child size portions and not be charged a full price. It explains that we've had surgery and are no longer able to eat the full meal that most place serve.Interesting,right?

I'm just wondering if anyone has such a card? And if so, does it actually work??

(deactivated member)
on 5/5/10 1:28 pm - NJ
I got a card from St. Clair's when I had RNY and threw it out.  I had lapband in 2008 and was not given a card.

I don't feel the need to share my medical history with random strangers to save a few bucks so I can order something from the kid menu which isn't really healthy in the first place.  I can't speak to ordering a smaller portion and being charged less - most places won't do that (just tried that at the diner for my 8 year old, and was shot down!) 

Instead, I share with my husband, get something I know that will be eaten again the next day (either cold by me or my doggies) or depending on where I am dining, I just get something small like chili or soup and salad.

I don't know what restaurants honor the card either.  What if you actually presented it and the restaurant denied you - what would you do?  It's a restaurant by restaurant thing I would imagine; not sure how many actually accept it.

To each his or her own though.  I value my privacy more than a couple of bucks, yanno?

Ralph Z.
on 5/5/10 3:07 pm
Hi Jodie, yes such cards are available, I even just got one with my bariatric advantage vitamins samples (they were free). I threw mine away as well.  I don't really want to tell people I've had surgery either (especially total  strangers).
I just eat out regularly and my DH always eats my extras, (he's super trim, avid exerciser) - also I know a lot of people take their food home in a box.
So, if you want a card, you can get one from the vitamin people :-))).
B x

Good luck with your progress x x

on 5/5/10 9:59 pm - NJ
I have seen them at Dr. Bertha's office but have never used it.  There were many times before surgery that I could not finish a meal so I do not look at it differently as a post op. 

Missy N.
on 5/5/10 10:47 pm - Kalkaska

Jodiek- my mom and sister had the RNY nine and 11 years ago.  I remember them getting a card like that, and it did not work that much.  It did depend on the restaurant, and they never got a discount or saved money for getting the lesser meal.  They were just able to get an appetizer or kids meal. Most of the time they shared a meal together, and that saved more money then using the card they had.  I would say over all, no the card does not work.

Missy       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
HW 260 SW 249 (1/20/10)  CW 134
1st GW 150 (reached 8/29/10) 
2nd GW 135 (reached 12/1/10)
I really don't have another goal weight. :)

on 5/5/10 11:53 pm - Jefferson, OH
I do have one, my surgeon gave it to me at my 3 month check-up.  I haven't had to use it yet, but I feel better just having it, knowing I can order something small if I do go out :)
~Lisa   276 / 167 / 170 (start / current / goal)
Website - LessLisa

on 5/6/10 1:57 am - Randolph, NJ
I had RNY surgery over two years ago. Before that, when I couldn't finish a meal, I took a doggie bag, and that's still what I do.

I would never make a scene like that in a restaurant. I have heard of bad situations in buffets where the card was not accepted. What do you do then? Leave? What if you've gone with other people? Do you make it awkward for everyone?

I look at it this way...I want people to think of me as normal. I don't want to call attention to my issues, and I don't want to be left out of social situations. I don't want people bending over backwards to get anything special for me. I just want to live as normal a life as possible.

Sometimes my husband and I will order two appetizers and one entree. This worked beautifully for us on vacation in St. Maarten. Occasionally restaurants will charge you a couple extra bucks for sharing, but that's always way less than ordering a second meal.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but this is a topic that bugs me. My husband is a diabetic, and he just asks if he can get salad or veggies instead of spaghetti. Most places say yes. At the rare ones that say no, he tells them to hold whatever starchy carb they would serve so he won't be tempted to pick at it.

Sometimes a server will be concerned because I ate so little of my meal, and they think something is wrong or I'm not happy. I just smile and say: "No, it was wonderful. And it will make a great midnight snack. Thank you so much for wrapping it up for me!"

No harm, no foul.

(deactivated member)
on 5/6/10 4:47 am - NJ
It is a peeve of mine too, Linda.  I don't know why it bothers me so, but it does.  

I say the same thing, and it makes me giggle when I get asked if the food was bad.

In Whole Foods the other day, I ordered two slices of roast beef from the deli (I can't eat more and don't like it left over).  This nosey body woman came over to me and was like - "Why did you order two slices?  I didn't know you could do that.  Are you going to make a sandwich in your car?" - Insinuating that I was too cheap to order a sandwich, what a ***** I swear!

I was so shocked and pissed I told her that was what I wanted and it is of no concern to her why I ordered two slices.  WTF?!

We share meals alot too, and it is still cheaper than ordering two dinners.  The Second Half in Denville also gives you a choice of different sides when you share, which is really nice too!

Glad I am not the only one :)

on 5/6/10 5:02 am - Randolph, NJ
I guess I just never really understood why anyone would want such a thing. To each his or her own...

I don't know The Second Half. Is it good?

When we were in St. Maarten, we went to this really fancy restaurant. We did our usualy two appetizers and one entree, and rather than give us one plate and two forks, they actually split everything onto two complete, beautifully presented dishes. I was so impressed with that, and we gave them a super generous tip.  (Of couse I did end up passing my food over to DH. Our sharing is more like 1/4 and 3/4 than 1/2 and 1/2)

Of course it was off season and we had seven staff waiting on the two of us and the one other couple in the place. I don't know if they would have been so accomodating had there been a line out the door!

(deactivated member)
on 5/6/10 6:32 am - NJ
Yes, that is nice when they bring you out two nice dinners instead of one nice plate and an empty plate!

They did that at the Second Half too (on Main Street), but we divvy'd up the steak ourselves.  They are a decent place for steaks and drinks.

I know - I just don't know why you'd want to use that and basically explain to a bunch of strangers that you had surgery to save $5.00.  I saw a post on this on the RNY board about an Amish restaurant that has a card like that for their buffet, but the price goes back up after like you are two years out (I guess they think that you eat like a "normal" person again after that time).

But your surgeon needs to complete the card from the place....I couldn't imagine going into Dr. Bertha and asking him to complete that so I could save a few bucks at an all you can eat buffet.....

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