anxiety mode!

on 4/27/10 7:18 pm
 I'm supposed to have surgery on the 5th and while I'm excited, I'm also on the verge of a panic attack. I'm just so scared. I don't know what to expect. Everyone I've talked to always has the most negative stuff to say. Half the time they don't even realize what they are saying is making me nervous.

Laura Rosario
on 4/28/10 12:52 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
take a deep breath and relax! being nervous is totally normal!! if u wernt i'd be worried lol i was nervous right up until the morning i had surgery then going into the or prep room i just told myself "ok this is it, this is what youve worked so hard for, waited for and this will be worth it" i had complete faith in my surgeon and knew everything would be amazing after surgery.  believe it or not i was more anxious about getting anestesia then i was about the surgery. but they gave me some good stuff that knocked me out right away. keep your head up this is totally worth it!
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 2:35 pm
First - we have the same surgeon.  My surgery was scheduled for the 7th but just got changed to the 10th.  So I'm right there with you on the excited/nervous feeling. 

Because I've had family members and friends go thru WLS, I knew how ignorant some people can be.  As I made my decision to have RNY, I decided to not tell anyone except my husband, kids and a couple very close friends.  The fact that many people are so uneducated about the process makes them say silly and (sometimes) demeaning things.  I'm sure that those close to you, that are generally supportive, aren't intentionally trying to stress you.  Just tell them that you're already anxious and their negative commments are effecting your emotional wellbeing. 

Not everyone has a horror story to tell following their surgery. 

I wish there was an on/off switch on some people that would just shut them up!
on 4/29/10 4:38 am - NJ
When I had my surgery I to was nervous and the negative person was my Husband!  But I just kept reminding myself that this is what I want for myself and no one is going to make me feel bad about it.  But I will tell you it is well worth it.  May will be 3years and I only have approx 20lbs to go.  When I was waiting to go into the opreating room my doctor said how are you feeling and said I am very nervous and he said to me I'm not so at that point I left everything in his capable hands :)  I will be thinking of you on the 5th I am having a tooth pulled and would gladly trade places with you
on 5/1/10 1:50 pm, edited 5/1/10 1:51 pm
on 5/2/10 9:13 am - Randolph, NJ
It is completely normal to be nervous. But you just need to focus on the other side. It is so worth it in the long run.

I don't know why people are so bent on telling you horror stories. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't either tell me they know someone who got sick from surgery, or regained their weight. I tell them I'm not going to let either of those things happen because I take good care of myself, but thanks for your concern.

I am two years and two months out. I've lost 135 pounds - half my pre-op weight. I'm happy, healthy, and completely happy with my choice. I'm also free from the life-long struggle with my weight, and the depression that accompanied losing the fight.

You'll go to sleep and when you wake up it will all be over. Take whatever drugs you are offered. Discuss your concerns with your doctor, and advocate for yourself. For example, under the best cir****tances, I hate to be nauseous and I hate to throw up. I was worried that doing so after surgery would be dangerous to boot. So they gave me regular injections of Zofran, which took the nauseous feeling away immediately. Problem solved.

Good luck and try to relax. Focus on how exciting life will be after surgery. Best wishes for an uneventful surgery, speedy recovery, and successful weight loss!

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