Postive Thoughts

on 4/15/10 2:07 am - NJ

                                                        Positive ThoughtsI

Your thoughts can make or break you - where will YOUR thoughts take you ??

I am sharing some insight from a great book called "Change your Brain, Change Your Life"
In this book Dr Daniel Amen talks about "ANTS" - Automatic Negative Thoughts, These thoughts are negative thoughts that can invade your life & are usually automatic & reactive, such as:
"Those people were laughing when I walked in, they must be laughing at me" or "The boss wants to see me? It must bad ...." or "She glanced up & down at my body, she must think I'm fat."

Ther are no facts in these statements.
When you notice that you are thinking this way, You must realize that these thoughts are not rational - they are nothing more than ANT's.  SO STEP ON THEM!  They can do you no good, and will only cause you harm.

When you think about your weight loss journey - past, present and future - what automatic thoughts fill your mind?  Are they positive or negative?
What effect have these thoughts and beliefs had on your progress and success thus far?  Are they moving you forward or holding you back?
YOU can change your thoughts & change your life.

Negative thoughts provide negative results.  This is a fact - one you have to remind yourself often.  While it's often said that "seeing is believing"  it is also true that believing is seeing.  When you look in the mirror do you see a capable, confident person looking back at you?  If so, you will walk away from that mirror CAPABLE & CONFIDENT!!

Your mind has amazing power over your success or preceived "failure" on this journey, and one thing is sure:  We can ALL use an extra boost of positive thinking.  The amazing thing is that you can actually BELIEVE yourself to success - and NOW is the perfect timeto try it!

Sit up tall! take a deep breath, smile, and use this thought to start you days-
                                        I AM FILLED WITH HOPE
                            TODAY WILL BE A SUCCESSFUL DAY!!!

Norman Vincent Peale said  "Change your thoughts and change your world"  If your want to change your world to the BETTER - think better toughts!

Have a positive day!


on 4/20/10 1:07 am - NJ
Oh I love it.  I have to post this on my wall.  Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Please visit my OH  Support group:

Where you will find helpful strategies to achieve you goals

Highest 325.7lbs Surgery 295lbs Current 244lbs 


on 4/20/10 1:23 am - NJ
Your Welcome,
I have it posted on my desk at work and read it every morning!  This is where the problems start for me, they are always bringing in food, sometimes I think they try to temp me but I feel so good when I can resist.  Thats the problem with the band for me, sugar goes down without any problems.
on 4/20/10 1:32 am - NJ
I think that is every one with the bands problem.  I saw from another post that you are going to the dinner on Wednesday.  I am too.  Looking forward to making more NJ friends.  

Please visit my OH  Support group:

Where you will find helpful strategies to achieve you goals

Highest 325.7lbs Surgery 295lbs Current 244lbs 


on 4/20/10 7:45 am - NJ
yes I will be there and my friend who had band is also coming so if you see 2 people looking lost its us, I have not met anyone so I will be looking for Tom from his picture.
see you tomorrow
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