Is it possible to have the RNY and not have any problems

on 3/30/10 7:33 am
Thank you for the response.  I just have so many questions to everything that people say..forgive me.  You said that you have a hard time keeping on top of the vitamins.  Is it cause there are too many to take or just that its hard to remember day to day taking them?  Also what do you think is the vitamin most easily over done by people? 
on 3/30/10 10:25 pm - Parsippany, NJ
What I think you need to do is see a medical professional at this point for the best understanding of what you will need to follow after surgery..
At that I would have to say I just got tired of living on supplements.. I felt like it was alway time to take another suppliment/vitamin. You have to space them out over the day cause certain one interact with others and it just became a nuisance to me... you can't eat or drink for an hour and it felt like my life was so by the clock.. time to take this.. time to eat.. time to drink.. I just got fed up..
While I realize this was all to keep me healthy.. it was making me crazy at the same time.
Get a good endocronologist and a good nutritionist is my suggestion to help you cope..
on 3/31/10 2:12 am
I hear ya.  It sounds like its alot of work to keep up with the supplements.  I dont care for the nutritionist at my surgeons office and I didnt care for the endocrinologist either.  How does one go about finding a nutritionist that specializes in bariatric issues?
on 3/31/10 4:10 am - Parsippany, NJ
you'll have to ask them ... not all know abou gastric bypass patients and that was the tough part for me.. as they will say they do.. and then you see the diet they give you and you realize they haven't a clue..
I suggest you check your insurance and see if they have any.. they won't say barriatiric you will have to call them and interview them .
same for endocronologist.. if they are good they will know what you need.. but again you have to be the educated consumer.. I suggest you do some reading on the site.. and make your mind up.. about the next questions before just asking as you will see there are many answers to the same issues.. and only you can decide what makes sense to you..
Good luck
on 3/31/10 5:15 am

Ok.  Thank you.

on 3/30/10 12:34 pm - Randolph, NJ
The wonderful Tom (tcasola) began organizing a movable feast a while back. He picks a date and a place, and invites anyone that wants to join to meet for dinner. To be fair to all, he chooses places that are all around the state. It is open to anyone at any stage of considering having, planning to have, or having had weight loss surgery of any kind.

It is always fun, and I've met such great folks at these dinners. Newbies encourage pre-ops, and graduates encourage newbies, and everyone has a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Its so amazing to be around other people that "get it." We add up how many pounds we have collectively lost, share before and afters, and talk about this unique and crazy life.

If I'm not mistaken, there is one coming up in April. Scan the threads and look for Tom's posting with the information.

(deactivated member)
on 3/30/10 9:25 am - Piscataway, NJ
 Hi Mosley.  You can never ask enough questions, and you'll receive lots of different responses!

I am 9 months post-op RNY. I have had no physical issues to be concerned with. I haven't vomited, I don't have any abnormal pains, I recuperated very well and didn't even use my pain meds. I do get the "foamies" on occasion, but thats usually my own fault for eating too fast or eating something I really shouldn't. I'll admit I get some badass gas but thats only an issue for anyone who is close by! :)   At any moment, I could have an issue due to the surgery: ulcers, strictures, hernias, the list goes on.  But I don't think of that at all...if it happens, I'll do what I need to do.

As for vitamin deficiencies, most of us do experience that.  For 9 months I have taken my multivitamin and calcium regularly. At three months out, my doc discovered my Vit D was low (as is fairly normal for ALL people, not just overweight  or post-op people).  So I supplemented for that for about six months. I just learned that my supplementing didn't help my Vit D levels, so I've been prescribed a large amount of Vit D (50000 IUs) once per week.  My B12 was a little low, so now I've just started supplementing that. In another three months or so, I'll get rechecked for my own peace of mind and see if and how I'm progressing. However, although these are 'issues', I'd rather take the handful of vitamins and supplements than go back to the diabetes medications, high-blood pressure medications, sleep medications, etc. It's a trade-off I'm happy to make!  Oh, all my other levels (iron, cholesterol, blood sugar) were PERFECT! :)

I do attend support groups, every chance I get. I always try to pick up one new idea from the group that will help me get thru my week or provide a new way of thinking. I have finally realized that I need to change my attitude towards food. I know I need to do this, but it's much easier said than done. So I find the meetings helpful, and I always enjoy meeting people who have shared and understand the experiences of being overweight.
I wish you much luck with your upcoming surgery. Feel free to ask me any questions, I'd be happy to help!
on 3/30/10 12:28 pm - Randolph, NJ
Hi Honey, how are you? I'm glad to see that things are going well. I'll bet you look fantastic!

Shoot me a PM if you have a chance and let me know how you are doing.


on 3/30/10 12:43 pm
What a cool bunch of people here.  Thanks everyone for the help and the information and the tips and for just making a pre op person feel welcomed.  Thanks again!
on 3/31/10 12:01 am - NJ
RNY on 02/05/08 with
 I am one that had NO complications. Well, I did have one but that was all MY fault. I started back to hard core exercising 3 weeks after surgery. I was told not to but the outside looked healed so I assumed the inside was. Big mistake. LOL Listen to your Dr!

My Mother had WLS (almost 6yrs ago) as well as several of my friends. We have all had varying success with our weight loss but there have been no major complications at all. 

Now...of course this is no guarantee....but...the others are right when they say that most people don't post when everything is going well. Good luck to you on your journey:)



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