Liquid Diet pre op not really liquid?

on 3/25/10 10:22 am
I have heard that most people are put on a liquid diet like Optifast or something.  My doctor just requires soft foods in small quantites two weeks prior.  I would like to know if any one else wasnt asked to go on liquids prior to RNY.
on 3/26/10 1:00 am - NJ
RNY on 02/05/08 with
 I was put on a 2 week liquid diet. It was basically protein shakes and clear liquids. Not all surgeons require this though. My Mother was placed on soft foods for 24 hours prior to surgery. She never did do a liquid diet. Follow your surgeon's guidelines. They know what is best for you:)

Good luck and happy weight loss!


on 3/26/10 1:03 am
SOmething just tells me the real liquid diet at least a few days prior sounds like a better idea to me.  Thank you for responding to my question!
Alice P.
on 3/26/10 7:43 am
I was not on liquid or soft foods, I did 2 weeks of a very restricted diet to shrink the liver- it was high protein, low fat and low carbs--it wasn't ton of fun but I lost 10 lbs in the 2 weeks pre-op!

 HW 278 SW 259 GW 170 CW 142 Ht 5ft 6


on 3/26/10 12:03 pm
I really wonder why the doctors vary so much on so many things. 
on 3/28/10 9:03 am - Randolph, NJ
Not only was I NOT put on a liquid diet, I ate dinner the night before my RNY surgery. I left the hospital swallowing pills, and eating soft foods.
Every doctor is different, and I would always suggest following what YOUR doctor tells you to do. Then, if something should go awry, they cannot blame it on the fact that you weren't following their instructions.

on 3/28/10 11:08 am
You left the hospital eating soft foods and swallowing pills?  Did you have any discomfort?  Wow.  Yes what you are saying makes sense.  Thank you for replying.
on 3/28/10 11:01 pm - Randolph, NJ
Yep and nope.

Quite frankly, through my morphine haze I was a little surprised. But I had no ill effects from either. I did go very slowly when I got home, though. Nurses told me that the doctors said it was okay.

I'm two years out, and I have never gotten sick or vomited. I have had  a few episodes of discomfort from things getting stuck because they were too dry or from taking one bite too many. There are a couple of things that I don't eat because I don't feel great afterward (like pasta) and there are MANY things I don't eat because they are unhealthy, not nutrient-dense, or too high in calorie. (Mostly white,  starchy, and processed carbs like sugar, bread, rice, flour, etc.)

I once asked my doc why he didn't require all that liquid and bowel prep and he said that he's an old, very experienced guy and he doesn't find it necessary to do those things in order to reduce surgical risk. I trusted him and everything was fine.

on 3/29/10 9:14 am, edited 3/29/10 9:16 am - NJ
Well I always say its ok to be ****y as long as you can back it up and it sounds as if your dr. backed it up.  On an average day..can you tell me what you eat and how you get your protein in.  Do  you drink all tha****er every single day?  And have you have vitamin deficiency (I am a little obsessed with that topic lately) and where is your ferritin level?  Do you have energy?
on 3/29/10 9:40 am - Randolph, NJ
Yes, he is very experienced and confident. He's also a general surgeon, not just a bariatric specialist. Don't know if that is for the better or not, just a fact.

I am very careful about always eating protein first, and getting protein in any time I eat (even at snack time.) I tracked the protein grams in the first year or so using fitday, sparkpeople or dailyplate. I don't obsess about it so much anymore, as long as I'm paying attention and doing my best everyday. Same goes with water. Honestly, I probably don't hit those high goals for consumption, but I do my best and I feel okay.

I do use protein bars occasionally, but they need to have less than 10 grams of sugar, and I strive to find ones that are about 10 calories per gram of protein (not always easy.) I eat low fat cheese sticks, nuts, and cottage cheese. I love fat free greek yogurt: my standard breakfast is half a banana, two or three strawberries, and a few blueberries mixed with about 4 ozs of greek yogurt. Sometimes I can eat it all, sometimes I stick it in the fridge and eat it as a snack later.

One odd thing, though. I was using protein supplements (shakes) in the beginning, and started to transition to only using them when I thought my protein for the day was lacking. But the last two times I used a shake, I became violently ill. I don't know why I was fine with them for so long and then suddenly had a problem. I have three brands, and I got sick on two of them. When I'm feeling brave I'll try the third. It could be that I have a threshold intolerance for something in it, like lactose or something. Its weird and I haven't really figured it out.

Lunch is usually tuna, shrimp or deli meat. Eggs are always good, too, mixed with salsa and a little low fat cheese. Dinner is usually fish, chicken or turkey. (I love turkey chili and make it about three times a month.) I don't eat a lot of starchy carbs at all. If I do, its whole grain and only one serving in a day.

I am working closely with a metabolic doctor because my weight loss was slow (as it was before surgery) and he discovered that in addition to my hypothyroid, I also have a very slow metabolism, and severe hypoglycemia. That sugar problem is the reason I eat so little sugar, carb and processed food in general. It has helped a lot with weight loss and stabilizing my energy cycles.

I don't have my most recent labs with me, but when the doc reviewed them in January he didn't see anything of concern.

As for energy...I used to sleep 10 - 13 hours a night, cry when the alarm went off because I didn't want to get out of bed, nap whenever I could throughout the day, and then stumble toward bedtime and the relief of being back there. I had zero energy, which was partly due to carrying around an extra person and partly because of severe depression. Now I get out of bed around 7 every morning, even though I don't have any place to be, and rarely feel the need to rest during the day. I sleep well at night, and wake feeling rested.

I do take my supplements religiously: multi, b-complex, sublingual b, niacin, calcium, magnesium, D, and C.

My worst transgression, though, is that I don't exercise with any regularity. I hate it, and I've never gotten over that. Granted, when I do exercise now I run out of time before I run out of energy, I just don't do it with any consistency. I know I have to commit to it, and I'm hoping once the weather gets warmer I will. Or maybe not. I can find any excuse to avoid it. People can go ahead and flame me for it if they want; I still lost 135 lbs (half my body weight.)

That was probably a lot more information than you had bargained for. But I hope it helps. Please feel free to go look at my profile/blog or PM me if you have any more questions or need some encouragement.


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