2 weeks liquid diet pre-op

on 3/1/10 8:13 am
Yup, I had to do it. The office you are going to does sell Champion Protein Meal replacements. I suggest you get that from them. Break the drinks down into 6 a day rather than three. I found if I blended them in a blender adding ice it made it like a milkshake. You can also substitute coffee for water to make a mocha choc, or a creamy vanilla coffee shake. I used extracts too to mix things up. In the choc. I used a couple drops of peppermint extract and added a couple packets of zero calorie sweetner to make the drinks a bit sweeter as the extracts seem to take away from the sweetness. Adding peppermint to the choc. was like drinking a peppermint patty. I would add vanilla extract to the choc to make the choc less chocolatey tasting. You can do 1/2 and 1/2 mixtures too. Choc. and Banana is pretty good too.

No doubt the two weeks of protein drinks is not fun and it's hard, but it has to be done so take it one day at a time.

All the best,

                   HW (pre RNY) 430 HW (pre DS) 302 / SW 288 /
                          Lowest weight 157 / CW 161
GW 150
                "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight"
on 3/1/10 9:10 am
Thanks.  I try your suggestions.  Tomorrow I start :-(  

on 3/2/10 9:02 am - NJ
RNY on 02/05/08 with
I realize I am a bit late so I hope you see this:)

Dr. Wasser was my Surgeon and I had to do the 2 week protein shake diet as well. Honestly? I thought I was going to die. The shakes were too sweet. I may have been fat but sweets were NOT my probem!

I almost caved one week into them. I called the emergency number and Dr. Ing called me back. I did NOT care for him at all. He was very rude. Tina was the one that got me through.

Dr. Wasser has a great bedside manner and once I actually got through the surgery itself I could not have asked for a better surgeon.

Do your best to get through it. I didn't think I would...but I am now down almost 130lbs.....and close to my goal weight. You can do this!


on 3/2/10 8:02 pm
Thanks.  Glad to hear that Dr. Wasser has a great beside manner.  He seems all business so far.  This diet part is scary because so much depends on me fasting (which I have never been able to do).  I appreciate your help.

on 3/2/10 9:52 am
OK...how did Day 1 go???  We're rooting for you!   Mary

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog: lifeisgood-mc.blogspot.com

on 3/2/10 8:08 pm
on 3/2/10 8:11 pm
I survived day one.  I was hungry all day but was able to fall asleep early so that helped alot.  So far on day two I am taking my time "eating" this shake.  I blended it extra long and added ice cubes.  It is thick as pancake batter.  I will alot my self extra time to "eat" this and so it feels more like a meal.  I am taking a few vacation days (along with some medical days off)  so I have to spend less time starving at work.  I'm very private so when I am not feeling well I prefer to be home.  Thanks everyone.  I don't like this part so much :-(  I do love the support, though.  It's great. :-)

on 3/2/10 9:03 pm
I'm sorry to hear about your liquid diet torture.... I am having surgery in 15 days and I don't have to do the liquid diet but 24 hours prior to surgery.. However I'm thinking if it's going to help me start loosing weight and shrink my liver, I may just start it today... Atleast test my will power.... Just thinking about it makes me hungry though.. LOL

When is your Surgery?
on 3/3/10 9:09 am
March 16.  What day is yours?  Thanks for the reply.  Good luck with your surgery.

on 3/2/10 9:26 pm - Randolph, NJ
I did not have to do liquids prior to surgery, but I may be able to give you a little advice:

1. It is possible that you have a carb/sugar sensitivity. Eating the carb spikes your blood sugar, and within a couple of hours you have a sharp drop. That could lead to the headachey, weak feeling. It will stabalize in time, but not if you keep responding to the hunger and weakness with more sugar. When you feel like that, have protein. This was my problem pre surgery, and now that I've pretty much cleared my system from that sugar cycle, I stopped having those episodes that drove me to look for more carbs to keep myself from passing out. (Have you had a glucose tolerance test? You may also need some sugar regulating drugs, as I did!)

2. Unjury (and I'm sure there are others) makes a protein chicken soup. If you start to burn out on the sweetness of the shakes and need something savory, this could be a good option. You could also get the unflavored and add it to chicken broth, or coffee.

3. See if its okay to have K20 protein water packets (not the ready made). I like the pink lemonade flavor. It tastes good, helps keep you drinking, provides a bit of protein (5 or 6 grams) and helps fill you up between "meals". It can be frozen to a slush, or mixed with unflavored protein for a bigger protein total. It does have 30 calories, though, so be careful not to overdo it.

4. SF popsicles and jello are great if you feel like you need to "eat" something. You can also go to eggface's website and get recipes for protein ice cream!

5. You are taking a major first step towards a huge lifestyle change. Use this time to start the process. Try to recognize "head hunger" as opposed to the very real need your body has for fuel. This awareness will help you tremendously in the long run.

6. If you do feel hungry and frustrated, don't let it worry you about life after surgery. The new structure of your body will do alot to change the hunger cycle, and control how much you eat. However, long term you need to retrain your mind. The sugery alone wont be able to control your appetite forever. But by the time the effects of the surgery start to lessen, you will be slim and trim and motivated to stay that way. Just recognize that you have to change your thinking about how you care for yourself and the choices you make. That is the best way to achieve long term success!

7. Keep coming here for support! You will not find a more understanding, experienced, aware and caring group of people to help you along the way. Good luck on your journey. Its a crazy, wonderful ride!

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