Great WLS friendly recipe site
They seem to have a lot of good recipes and are pretty much WLS friendly, but if they aren't substitute ingredients or pick another recipe
Our Recipe Categories:
Appetizers & Snacks (35)
Beverages (32)
Chicken & Poultry (80)
Desserts (36)
Fish & Seafood (21)
Miracle Noodles (48)
Protein Desserts (15)
Salads & Wraps (50)
Soups & Stews (58)
Beef & Game (20)
Condiments (38)
Eggs & Dairy (41)
Maintenance (10)
Pork & Lamb (21)
Protein Shakes (22)
Sandwiches (20)
Veggies & Tofu (40)
You have control over the ingredients you use in the recipes. Read your labels on the ingredients and judge for yourself whether or not its within your guidelines. There are a good many recipes on that site and from what I've seen, most use splenda, I haven't seen any that use refined sugar. Just be careful with the recipes that have a high tomato ingredient or high glycemic fruit. Even though they are natural sugars, depending upon how far out you are, could determine if you can tolerate that particular recipe.