on 11/20/09 5:17 am
Dr. Stephanie Vaimakis performed my surgery in Holy Name Hospital, Teaneck, NJ.  I really don't think that any of my positive coments about her and her staff can come close to doing them justice with regard to their care and professionalism.  I've been to many doctors in my lifetime..... some good, some not so good.  The care I received from Dr. Stephanie and her staff far exceeds anything I've ever experienced or even expected.  They seem to develop an endearment for their patients.  That endearment is not foney either.  In the time leading up to my surgery, they made every effort to accomodate me and my schedule.  They coordinated all of my testing and made certain that everything that I needed was covered by my insurance company.  I found Dr. Stephanie to be very thorough, caring and compasionate.  SHE REALLY CARES ABOUT ME AND MY SUCCESS, as does her staff.  Her office is very warm and inviting.  I can only imagine that it is because she is that way herself and so everyone in her office just follows her lead.  I know of other people who have had this surgery with other doctors, and some don't seem to have a whole lot of positive things to say about their doctors and/or staff.  Some can't even get a phone call returned.  Any time I've called the office, the staff was very friendly, courteous, and helpfull.  If I had to leave a message, they were sure to return my call within an hour.  Generally, my call was returned within fifteen minutes. 
I highly recomend that if anyone in the north Jersey area is considering having this surgery, do as I did and schedule an appointment with Dr. Stephanie Vaimakis.  You won't go away uninformed and feeling like a number.  This is one of those instances where "you have to see it to believe it."  I just can't imagine getting better care, or dealing with a better doctor or staff.
Tom C.
on 11/20/09 7:45 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
TR0351 - CONGRATS !! And welcome to the Loser's bench in the winner's circle !! Know we're here anytime !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Iris D.S
on 11/20/09 11:45 pm - Jacksonville , TX
Congrats.. hope you dont mind the post.   I want the lap band as well.  although the doc i saw said i would need gastric b/c of my diabetes.  so Im' a lil torn.. i was wondering if lap band was your 1st choice?   for me i cant do gastric, im too scared lol call me silly but its true. i have nothing against it i'm just a chicken i guess.lol  I had  a surgery date and all and come to find out the doc was out of network no i have to start all over..  this is so hard!!. so hard tring to find a doc. my insurance company isnt much help.  ok sorry i even went in to all of that.  any sugesstions?

i pray that this new life will bring you great things!!!! 
on 11/21/09 1:54 pm
Get additional opinions from other doctors.  If I remember correctly, there are many people who got the Lap Band, who also were diabetic, and because of their weight loss, thier diabetes went away.  The Lap Band is completely reversible.  Gastric bypass is not.  My wife also got the Lap Band.  Her surgery was on Sept. 4, 2009.  She has already lost 49 pounds.  Her first adjustment was 5 or 6 weeks after her surgery.  Her doctor elected to only do a half of an adjustment, because she was complaining of a lot of burping.  Still, even with half of an adjustment, she's been very successful.  You may have to do some research involving calling other doctors and asking if they participate with your insurance plan.  This site provides a list of doctors in the area, and you may find one in that list.  My doctor doesn't participate with my primary insurance either, however I'm fortunate enough to be covered by more than one plan.  If you happen to be in north east New Jersey, look into scheduling an appointment with Dr. Stephanie Vaimakis.  If nothing else, maybe she can point you toward someone who will be able to help you.  Best of luck to you.  Keep me posted if you like.  I don't check my mail on a daily basis, but I will answer any questions to the best of my ability.  You're going to be okay.  Just please get additional opinions.

on 12/17/09 11:39 am
 my doc told me the samething for my thyroid i think u should do the surgery im waiting on a date 
on 12/5/09 2:09 pm
I have an appointment with her this Thursday!!
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