LOL, I just saw this on Dr. Oz yesterday... The volunteer from the audience did it right there on stage up in front of the audience. The numbed her nose with spray and passed a small tube with a camera up her nostril and then down her throat. They were looking at her vocal cords, but in essence its the same procedure they just didnt go down as far I imagine. She barely flinched. Try googling it.....
Not sure I would be so brave!
Not sure I would be so brave!
I have had that done in the ENT's office - it is a tiny tube that goes down the nose into the throat looking at the sinuses and throat. I also had a test called the PH Probe where they put a tiny tube down through the nose, down the throat through the esophagus into the stomach. So I guess that is what they are talking about. It isn't painful, just annoying - your eyes tear a little out of reflex but there really isnt' pain from the tubes, I can't guarantee if there is pain when they take biopsies. But those were tiny tubes and I doubt they could do a scope with tubes that tiny. I would have to look into it more before I would consent to it.