It's been a while and need advice

on 10/14/09 6:37 pm
Hello to all!
    I'm Judy and on October 1st I celebrated 2 years since my RNY surgery. I started at 326lbs and I'm now at 198. It has been a while since I've signed on and talked to anyone but life the past 2 years had been quite hectic. Anyway, I think I need some encouragement and/or advice. I have been very successful with my surgery. I've never gotten sick, nothing makes me sick, and I can eat anything I want....even things I shoudn't. I don't indulge in the things I shouldn't eat very often for obvious reason but have a concern. Since June, I have gained about 7 lbs. I have not gained anymore but seem to be having a hard time losing the 7 I gained let alone anymore. I am not ungrateful and god know's if I never lost another pound, I love the new me. I was wondering what I can do to make sure I don't gain anymore. I'm slated to see Dr Bertha on the 8th of November for my yearly check-up. Should I ask him what to do? I joined the gym and I know that you actually have to go to the gym for it to actually work! LOL I have a friend who just joined so hopefully we'll go together and keep one another honest. Other than a 2-3 mile walk every other day or so, I haven't done much exercising. Any advice you can give would be very much appreciated. I hope everyone is well. I do see some "familiar" faces, also lots of new folks. Good luck to all and I look forward to keeping in touch much more frequently. God bless!!


Tom C.
on 10/14/09 8:51 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

OF COURSE TALK TO THE DOCTOR !! That's why they are there. Dr. Bertha is a wonderful Doctor, and he will give you the straight poop (like it or not).

In the meantime, here are some suggestions:

GET BACK TO THE BASICS - pretend you just had the operation, and go through all the eating stages again (liquid for 5 - 7 days, semi soft foods 5 - 7 days, soft foods 5 - 7 days; regular food). By doing this, you not only "remember" what to do, you detox your body of the "baddies"

Journal what you are eating. Write down everything for a month, and then look back and see if you're doing something differently and maybe change (stop) it

Talk to a nutritionist. Many insurance companies allow X amount a visits per year. Maybe this far out, you need to change your habits a bit.

Sit down, and try to think what has changed in your life in the past 6 months which may have added to your gain. Personal issues play a major part in how we eat

RELAX - what happen to you is normal. In all the research I did, it's very common to get to your "lowest" weight, then gain some back. What's important is that you don't allow yourself to get too far off track and gain a majority of your weight back.

Finally - come back to the boards. We're here for you.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 10/14/09 10:48 pm
Thank you Tom for the advise and kind words. I will get back to the basics and get my butt to the gym. It;s nice to meet you by the way:)


on 10/14/09 10:56 pm - Cranford, NJ
Judy...welcome home! Congrats on your surgery and your successful weight loss!!
Gaining weight back is a struggle for all of us. Tom hit the nail on the head (Tom.... on the ball as usual!!) the only thing I would add is more've done a good thing by starting back on the boards! Is there a support group in your area? Most of them allow you to bring family or friends for encouragment. if you have never been to one I urge you to go...they are not as cheesy as you think! not only do you get to learn things and share and sample stuff... you get to meet great and wonderful people!!

let us now how your dr appt goes!  good luck to you!!

Tom C.
on 10/15/09 1:35 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

You are the Yoda of the boards !! How the &$^%# could I forget SUPPORT GROUPS ?!?!?! You are soooooo correct. Speaking to others  (who not only walked in your shoes, but wore your pants/dress) is such a major help keeping on on track !!

Thanks for the reminder !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 10/15/09 9:30 am - Cranford, NJ
Tom!! YOU CRACK ME UP!!!!!! Yoda!?!?!?!? ROFLMAO I cant wait to meet you in person!

“May the Force be with you."

"Help you I can, yes."

-- Yoda

Sheri A.
on 10/17/09 12:48 pm
Judy, I remember you from previous posts and want to invite you to a support group that I am facilitator of in Scotch Plains, First Saturday Support. Most of us are 2+ year post ops so we can identify with what you are going through and can lend a sympathetic ear. We meet again Sat. Nov. 7 at 10:30 am at the RWJ Fitness & Wellness Center, 2120 Lamberts Mill Rd., Scotch Plains. I also urge you to attend the OH conference this weekend in Rye, NY.
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