Dr. Mehta - New Brunswick

on 9/26/09 2:41 am - Lanoka Harbor, NJ

Just an FYI you can read my whole story on his profile page - but if he cancels your surgery because you are sick - he will keep a chunk of your copay!  I paid $3,000 co pay - had a respiratory infection and could not go under anesthesia, he canceled my surgery the day before it was scheduled and kept $500 for his time in reviewing my file.  How Lame!!!  Needless to say I am looking for a new surgeon.

on 9/26/09 5:00 am - Boynton Beach, FL
he was the first surgeon i "almost" met with....saw all his advertising and fell for it....soon as i walked for my consultation, the receptionist was like " i collect your $1,xxx.00 then you can see the doc"....WTF?! it was a damn consultation! I walked right out and never turned around.

-Adam - 6'6" - From 450 lbs to GOAL in 9 months...
Phase 1: Completed 10/2008.
Phase 2: Weightlifting - Goal: Add 40 lbs of muscle. Completed 2/15/2011.
Phas 3: Cut to 10% body fat.
MY STORY:  imthebiggestloser.blogspot.com/

on 9/26/09 6:37 am - manchester, NJ
i would contact the medical society or the insurance commissioner in NJ about this



on 9/26/09 8:49 am - Marlboro, NJ

I have not heard from you in a while. Please contact me. I really want to talk with you. As to the $500 ... consider it a lesson learned. You wont be able to get it back because he did a service and you have to pay for that service. Email me or call me so we can talk.

on 9/26/09 10:32 am - NJ

I'm not surprised at all. I was scheduled for a consult but when I arrived the receptionist was not supportive or friendly. She informed me that Dr. Mehta was not covered in my network and if I wasn't paying for surgery out of pocket it was no need to see the doctor. Well I said thank you and walked away. I wasn't upset because I had a feeling of relief when she told me that it's weird but it was like a sign.. I had been searching for a surgeon and figured I'd go with him, but after that experience that day. I never returned. I found a better doc and I have a one on one consult on the 29th. Do yourself a favor and take that set back you had as a blessing I'd see you  rather loose $500 instead of something else (heard a horror story about Robert Wood Johnson and him and I've read the same thing on someones post).
p.s i would still look into him returning that $500 back too that damn crook!

on 9/26/09 2:36 pm - Cranford, NJ
hi The Pose,

I felt the need to respond because I will admit I am surprised! I have been a part of Dr. Mehta's support group since before he was on his own! The office manager has been the same since 2002! Having gone through wls herself she is incredibly knowledgeable, supportive, outgoing and on the ball and let me not forget.... loquacious!  (I like that word lol)

I have been involved in support groups for almost 10 years..I have heard many a "horror story". Im not here to push any specific surgeon, however I would highly reccommend everyone to research the mortality rate of their choice surgeon.

Good luck on your journey (which whomever surgeon you choose) ;)


on 9/26/09 11:37 pm, edited 9/27/09 12:01 am - NJ
Hi Krissy,

You are indeed right research should be done on any surgeon you choose. As far as Mehta he was your choice and I think that's fine, I choose to go else where. As far as the recpetionist goes sometimes people have different experiences than others that's not uncommon.

Maybe she had a bad day people do have them, I get them all the time. I agreed with adam (the post above mines), if the consult was free what's the fee for. I know you like your doctor and   you've done well with him congrtats to you.  I'm not taking  anything away from you or what he's done for you. I just felt he wasn't for me. So i wish you continued success.  
Good luck and God Bless
on 9/27/09 3:09 am - Cranford, NJ
agreed...we all need to be comfortable with who we choose for our surgeons. we especially need to be comfortable with their staff since that is who most patients have direct contact with (althogh IMO  the bariatric field of surgeons seem to be very available to their patients unlike any other field of surgeons)

Thank you for your support however...as for my surgery...yes Dr. Mehta gave me the tool... but I chose to use it wisely!! lol


on 2/14/10 9:25 am
 wow really i have delt with metha i love his staff they rock i have not had surgery yet but i keep in contact with his staff they are great they get right to the point no bs his price is high but when your life is on the line no cost is too much i love lulu n brittany lulu can really help you tooo 
on 9/26/09 2:16 pm - Cranford, NJ
Hi Linda,

Its a shame you couldnt work things out with Dr. Mehta or his staff. after reading your comment on his OH patient review it makes a little more sense about the way you feel. I hope your feeling better since your fall and your severe respiratory infection.  Congrats on the 55 pound weight loss!! and I hope your reach your goal of the next 60lbs to get the band done regardless of which surgeon you choose!!
lots of luck to you!


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