hacksttstown and st. clare's

on 8/12/09 4:18 pm
Hey I just realized you might be able to answer my biggest question... Cigna told me they cover up to 10,000 at 100%. I'm not sure if you plan was the same, but if it was, did you have to pay anything out of pocket? they told me that they bill Garrison 6500 (or so i have it written down) and then all my homework said the hospital fee is about 1200 (so i figure about 2,000) and then there is the ansitiologist (spelling, sorry) fee... and some others... so it is going to be close. I'm really hoping that it is all covered...
Joseph Itkor
on 8/21/09 12:47 pm - hackettstown, NJ
Dr. Abkin did my surgery which was scheduled for Morristown but was moved to St. Claires at the last minute (and I mean LAST minute!)

I was upset about it, but as it turns out, St. Claires was great!  No complaints whatsoever.

As far as the insurance, I specifically wanted Abkin and he didn't take Cigna so i was lucky enough to be able to switch insurance companies to one he did take.

Most surgeons I spoke to said they'd take whatever the insurance paid them.  Dr. G may be the same way.  I'd check with his office and see how he handles the cigna situation.  I'd be surprised if you have to pay out of pocket.

I'm in Hackettstown, but I don't know Dr. Fernandez.  sorry, can't help on that part of it.

on 8/21/09 1:20 pm
I'm so happy to hear St. Clare's was good... I'm kind of worried about that...
Dr. Garrison does take Cigna, and after doing some more digging with Cigna, I'm covered all the way.

I'm very excited I went to see the Dr. Fernandez on Monday and she gave me my script to go see dr. garrison :)
I'm soooooooo excited!!! She did ask me if I wanted dr. JBush to do the surgery (he works with dr campion in hackettstown) but I told her I felt better having someone who only does this do it on me.

I go see dr garrison on the 31st, as nervous as I am I'm so excited. I'm worried Cigna is going to be a pain in the ass, and being that we pay extra to carry cigna over NJ plus (wich is really horizon) I'm going to be sooooooooo mad if they tell me no!!! LOL
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