
on 8/7/09 1:20 am - Lopatcong, NJ
I've been on this site for about a week now and have been reading everyone's posts with great interest.  I've started my 6-month phusian-supervised weight loss, as reqjired by my insurance, and am working my way through the list of "to-do"s, but have not committed yet to doing the surgery.

I see how much hard work you have put into your journeys - and realize that surgery is far from the easy way out of the quagmire of obesity and related illness.  From the research I've done, it appears that I could expect to see a noticable improvement in my diabetes status from the RNY procedure.  That's the motivation to do it that holds sway over everything else, but...

I'm worried that I'm not up to it. 

I'd love to hear from the NJ group about their worries and fears before surgery, how easy was it to make the decision?  I've never had surgery of any kind, and I'm struggling with reconstructing my body, even knowing that I might benefit greatly.  And I'm concerned that maybe I don't have the wherewithall to do what needs to be done after surgery to get the job done.
Tom C.
on 8/7/09 1:35 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

What you feeling is normal. Especially because (like most of us) you failed at all other types of weight loss.

But unlike all other attempts, you will have a tool that will help you. But I must remind (warn) you that the tool goes around the stomach, not the head. So you may have yearnings to go back to the way you used to eat - and will need to refrain. But the tool does help make it easier.

I strongly suggest going to support group meetings. They really help. I attend about 4 - 5 a month. If you can't make support groups, then use a Bariatric website (such as this site).

Know we're here for you. And while I have not had the bypass, I am traveling down a similar road - and I will do anything I can to help you succeed.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 8/26/09 1:28 am - Lopatcong, NJ
Thank you Tom.  I've noticed your sincere, helpful posts to others, and I appreciate this one.  I think I'm closer to deciding to go for it...

            Surgery Weight  (1/25/10) 265 - Current Weight - 184 1/1/12 - Goal ????
Tom C.
on 8/26/09 2:23 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Just know I am here to help in any way I can.

Good luck to you !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 8/7/09 12:59 pm - newark, NJ
I echo your feelings.  I am in the 2nd of my 6 moth insurance required diet.  I am hoping to have surgery in November.  I also have started checking things off my to-do list.  I to am leaning toward RNY due to its impact on Type 2 Diabetes.  I went for my sleep study and found out I have sleep apnea -  honestly no surprise there - I snore like a bear. 

I know many who have gone down the surgery path - some successful - some not so much - I always swore it was not for me - until recently.  My diabetes gets worse every day.  I watched my mother die a horrible death from the same disase am now watching a dear friend go down my mother's path - and she is only 10 years older than me!  Frankly cannot and will not go down the same path - I have 4 small kids - they need their mom - so I have to bite the bullet and make the decision that this is something I have to do.  I tried doing it on my own one last time - lost 25 lbs and got stuck- for 4 months -Since I started by 6-month plan,  I am down another 5 lbs for a total of  30 lbs all together now. 

I don't know how I will prevent myself from failing - but I know I have to,.  My first step is coming here and getting support and hearing stories from Tom and others like him. I get inspiation from looking at people like Krissy who has been able to keep their wieght off for a number of years and enjoy hearing about their new lives. I am concerned about body image after the wieght comes off -but frankly can't be much worse that what I am dealing wiuth now. I am scared ot death of nutrient absorbtion after RNY - I have a friend who had the "switch" years ago has horrible issues with not being able to maintain vitamin levels - lets just say it is not pretty.  I know different surgey - different time, but it still scares me.  I look at my cousin Chris and my friend Mike who to look at - you would never know they were fat a day in their life - Mike is now a body builder with 6-pack abs (literally) - they ar emy inspiration. 

Am I "up to it" - probably not - but I have to be - I have too much to live for - as I am sure you do too.  We are on a similar journey - fell free to contact me to compare notes.

Best Regards,

on 8/26/09 1:31 am - Lopatcong, NJ
Thank you Grace,

It sounds like we're on the same schedule.  I had my 3rd visit with my physician a few days ago, so I guess that means I'm about 3 months away from surgery. 

Let's stay connected during this process, maybe we can be supportive for each other.


            Surgery Weight  (1/25/10) 265 - Current Weight - 184 1/1/12 - Goal ????
on 8/7/09 2:02 pm
Hi, I'm new here... infact I've been running from this option for the past few years. I was always thinner until I had children and now I'm stuck... and my health isn't so great because of it...
I know I want this done... I need it done... I want to play with my kids and go up in the swing set/fort with them and not worry about what the weight limit is because I'm so over weight. I want to be able to feel good about the way I look and the most imp thing to me is that i'm here for my little ones when they are growing up.
I'm worried more about how to get Cigna to cover it for me than I am about the work that goes into it. I've seen 4 of my very close family members have it done and they would never undo it. to me it isn't a matter of the work... it is a must... I was rocking my daughter to sleep lastnight and started to cry, what if something happened to me because of my weight and I was not longer able to help her, watcher her, be here for her...
Just think of how great that work will feel when you are 100 pounds less!!!
on 8/26/09 1:34 am - Lopatcong, NJ
Great comments, All4,

Like you, I have family members that have had it done, so I've seen the work that goes into getting the job done.  That's a good idea, to concentrate on the good things that will come of this...

Hope your insurance company comes through.


            Surgery Weight  (1/25/10) 265 - Current Weight - 184 1/1/12 - Goal ????
on 8/8/09 10:54 pm

I am pre-surgery.  My gastric bypass is scheduled for 3 weeks from Wed, barring any issues with the insurance approval next week.

Yes, I am very nervous, scared and have all types of emotions flowing through me.  I have lost 100's and I mean 100's of pounds in the past, I was even a weigh****cher's leader for a bit.  But I always put the weight back on and "more".  We alll know that we always put back "more" weight than we lose.  Always, I guess it is our self sabotage personalities.

For me though, I guess the decision got a little easier from the message boards in NJ and especially PA which is much more active, and the support groups I have been going to for the past couple of months.  The one regret that everyone seems to have in common whether it is the gastric bypass or the band is that they didn't choose to have the procedure earleir.

When I really thought about things, I like the fact that my tastes will change, I like the fact that I am scared that if I overeat, I will become sick from the dumping syndrome.  I need a constant reminder for myself.

For me, I want my life back, so this has been over-shaddowing all my fears.  I am ready for the surgery.  I am trying not to think about the details to much, just ploughing forward.

Good luck with your decision, i hope you decide to join the loser's bench.

on 8/26/09 1:36 am - Lopatcong, NJ
Thanks Chopper!

Are you close to PA?  Are there support groups near the border?  I'm in NW Jersey, and am travelling to Morristown for appointments, which is kind of a pain, it's hard to get to support groups in eastern and north jersey.


            Surgery Weight  (1/25/10) 265 - Current Weight - 184 1/1/12 - Goal ????
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