Going through a rough time

on 7/30/09 8:11 am - Randolph, NJ
Tom, you are so supportive of everyone here, and such a great example for so many people. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, and you are not alone in your struggle.

The important thing is to not let 6 turn into 16 and then into 26. Don't beat yourself up; looking back isn't productive, except if you think it might be helpful to examine where you went off the rails, why you did, and how you can use that information to act differently in the future.

It has been very helpful to me to take issues of "good and bad" and "right and wrong" out of the picture. I have learned to look at food as the fuel that sustains my body, and if I want to achieve certain things, I make certain food choices. There are times (though they are infrequent) when my priority is to have something delicious, but I don't have much, I really enjoy it, and then I move on. Most of the time, what I want is to stay thin, or lose more, keep up with my protein requirements, and keep my blood sugar stable. So I choose foods that help me achieve that goal. Usually. Believe me, I'm no saint.

But food for me has always really been wrapped up with a lot of emotional baggage. It was a big step for me to be able to separate rebellion, guilt, comfort, retaliation, etc from what I put in my body.

Hope this helps. Please PM me if you want to have coffee or something!


on 7/30/09 8:12 am - Bayonne, NJ
I think we have all been there. You have remember are bodies are changing all the time. It just like having a plateau. I lost alot a weight at first than I seem to gain so I eat less. But I did find out that I was not eating enought so my body stopped lossing and seem like I was gaining. We all have to remember we have to eat enough or are body will shutdown. And don't forget to exercise.

on 7/30/09 10:13 am - Newton, NJ
Hello Tom,

Happy belated Birthday !

I don't have any advice, I am newer at this than you are and really don't have anything to add, I just wanted to say that I am sorry you are having a rough time. I hope it gets better soon.

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/09 2:29 pm - NJ
Hi Tom

You are always here for people on this board and I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to ask for help too!  I'm there too so I know what you are talking about.  Once you "taste" that fear gets much stronger that it will all come rushing back.

Sounds like you are on the right track by saying it out loud and committing to getting back on track.  I read alot of the posts and everyone seems to be saying the same thing - take a step back and start over.  Well, I am trying to do the same thing and I'm sure you will too.  We did it once, we can do it again.

Never feel alone because there are lots of us out here who have been tempted.  Life has a way of throwing curves at us now and then - we just have to find what works and remember to come back to it when we need it.

Good Luck!

Tom C.
on 7/30/09 10:29 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

I need to constantly remind myself that I am an addict, and food is my addiction. I also must realize slips are bound to happen (I guess). However I just can't let it get too far out of control.


One of the reasons I am truly upset if because I go to about 4 different support groups. And with one I help run it. I think this is the real reason I am so &#(*@% depressed/upset. Why I can "give" the advice, and all the reason to stay on track – but can’t #%@&* do it?

As of yesterday I am back to the basics. I am planning on doing liquids for a week - however tomorrow I am going to my cousins for a Belated Birthday BBQ for me. My game plan is to have liquids for breakfast and lunch, and I will closely watch what I eat there. Then back to liquids on Sunday. Come next Thursday I plan on going onto the normal next stage. And do each stage one week at a time. Hopefully the pounds will come off within the month. If not, then I guess I will need to get another band adjustment.

Sadly, it's reassuring to know that I am not alone in this.


Everyone, despite me going through my issues - please know I am here to help you if you need. Not only along this journey, but with any issue you might have.

Thanks again for all your wisdom !! 

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 7/31/09 10:27 am - Morristown, NJ
on 7/31/09 2:01 am - Milford, NJ
I, for one, and VERY VERY VERY proud of you. You have been an inspriation to me from the word go. I couldn't have chosen a better mentor!! Please don't be so hard on yourself, I understand you don't want to go back to "that place". The food choices you made were for a special situation. It will happen from time to time. That's life...let's enjoy it!!! You're back on track, eating right, exercising...the pounds will come off!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 8/1/09 12:08 am
Hi Tom,

Although I am pre-op, I still have 31 days before I join the loser's club :-), I have been dieting for 41 years and I am also an ex-WW leader.

The only advice I can give you is to get on the scale and face the music.  It is a very hard challenge to do this, I have been there thousands of times, but know when I don't get on the scale to face things, it starts a spiral for me and my weight always ends up shooting up and things get worse.

I wish you luck and continuation of your journey, your progress has been awesome and you should feel proud.

on 8/3/09 4:51 am - Chatham, NJ
What???  The teacher becomes the student once again?  Oh, I have clearly been away from this board for far too long.

Tom, you know exactly what to do.  Clean out the fridge and pantry and restock with only healthy choices.  Go back to basics for a while and eliminate all white carbs to kick the addiction.  Get your butt back in the gym and workout extra hard.  Make sure that you get a good night's rest so that your body doesn't crave carbs the next day.

My guess is that you still have quite a few "parties" to attend before the summer season is over.  Distract yourself from the food as best you can by initiating some kind of physical activity - games, sports, whatever.

If you were a woman, I would tell you to buy yourself a nice outfit or pair of heels.  But as tall as you are, the heels may be a bit much . . .

Tom C.
on 8/3/09 5:02 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Thanks for the advice my friend !!

I am back to the basics. Doing only liquids for now. Will start semi-solids on Friday, and solids the following week (unless the weight isn't off).

The sad part - my frig has nothing but "good" stuff in it (fruits, vegetables, etc). I was eating a lot of those things, and now have curtailed them. I'm not going to lie - I did eat some bad stuff - but for the most part I refrained.

I weighed myself on Friday, and the scale I usually use (at work) shows me below my "starting" weight (the lowest weight loss to date). The weight gain could be false, and nothing more then the difference in scales, ..but I before I start making excuses I want to be sure I am doing everything correct. And that's something I haven't been doing. If nothing else happens, it at least will keep me honest for a while.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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