Going through a rough time

Tom C.
on 7/28/09 10:41 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

OK everyone. I need some help, especially from the veterans. I am beginning to feel that I may be failing, and maybe falling into bad habits. Hopefully talking about it will put me back on track.


For the last 2 months I have been yo-yoing with the same 3 pounds. While I know this is normal and expected (especially since I lost approximately 170 pounds in 17 months), I am beginning to fear “the other shoe is about to drop" and I may be creeping upwards.


The last month has been really hard. About 3 weeks ago I went away for a weekend, and went ‘a little crazy" eating. Once I came back, I was back on track and lost any weight I may have gained. This past weekend I celebrated my birthday. I was basically good the entire weekend. Only sampled (and I do mean sampled) things I haven’t had in a while (1 Doritos, 3 Fritos, 1 potato chip, a teaspoon of macaroni salad, etc – you get the idea). I even had a small piece of birthday cake. I was happy how I handled myself, and everything was good until Monday – when I was home alone. I started getting a craving for “badness". I was surrounded by fruit, but for some reason they were transparent to me and I had another piece of leftover cake. Well, I guess the “band" decided that was a no-no – because it got stuck and up it came.


I am afraid to get back on the scale because I fear I have gained even more weight then the 3 pounds. While I know what I need to do, I am scared I could be getting out of control.


Any suggestions how to deal with this?

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Barbi M.
on 7/29/09 1:44 am - Maplewood, NJ
Although I have not had my surgery yet and can not assist you with advice on your situation, I wanted to tell you that you have inspired me in many ways with your posts here, and I know you can get back on track.  You are not failing.  If it means anything to your support, remember how much I need your advice and support for my journey so hang in there!!

Tom C.
on 7/29/09 1:50 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Thanks for the kind words. The one good thing is I am hanging in there!! In the past I would have already given up, but I am fighting like crazy.

Maybe I really need to go back to all the basics - liquids, soft foods and semi-soft foods. Try to detox the system.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 7/29/09 2:30 am - Cranford, NJ
Hey Tom.... GUESS WHAT??!? How does it feel to be NORMAL?!?! lol and yes im serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been fluctuating 15lbs for 3 years. sometimes im up...sometimes im down...i just know i dont ever want to be back to where i was! Hard work and great support is what is needed. It has nothing to do with will power! Give yourself a break and understand this is not a matter of personal weakness. A carb addiction is a biological response to the fuel we put in our bodies. It does not make you bad, weak, or hopeless.

My suggestion IMO....regardless which surgery you had... go back to basics...after a bout of vomiting/foaming etc.
day 1 full liquids
day 2 pureed
day 3 soft foods...etc

Remember.... Protein 1st!!

Hope it all works out soon!!


on 7/29/09 7:04 am
I have been following your posts for about a year and have been so encouraged by you!  You have been a great example and will continue to be.  Not only are you an example, you are also human.  None of we humans are perfect.  I spent the last week testing my band at night.  I've always rewarded myself with food when I get home from work - a bad habit I am trying to break.  This past week, after I ate my small dinner which hasn't been much because of a recent band adjustment, I found myself eating again several times at night after the food passes through the band.  I even ate one of the small Drumstic**** cream cones last night because it was left and would flow through easily.  My scale went up a pound this morning.  Devastating!  So today I changed my eating pattern.  No protein shake in the morning (which doesn't stay with me).  I ate 1/2 c  fat free cottage cheese with fresh strawberries instead.  Snack was a cheese stick.  Lunch was a spinach salad with blueberries and strawberries, fat free feta cheese, fat free raspberry dressing and 3.1 oz of chicken breast.  Snack was 3 oz chicken & veg.  Tonight is dinner out with other bandsters.  We have to take it one meal at a time and sometimes we still feed our emotions.  I try to allow myself to feel my emotions more often since I was banded in Oct. 08.  That has helped.  Well, I am 10 lbs away from onederland.  It keeps avoiding me but I keep on trying.  You should too. Stay busy.  Focus on how we bandsters look up to you! 
Seminar 7/25/08
Dietician & Psych 8/11/08
Consult & 3 hour class 9/24/08
Ins approval 10/1/08
Banded 10/13/08
     Nicholas Bertha, MD
     Florham Park, NJ
on 7/29/09 1:19 pm
Tom...while I can't speak as a "veteran", I'll speak from the heart as a newbie...I am amazed by all that you have accomplished, all of the people you've inspired and will continue to inspire. While I don't find gratification in your hardships, I do find it in the fact that with your perseverance and success comes a REAL person who does in fact experience weak moments. When I first saw you speak at Dr. Abkin's seminar I thought to myself...oh, here comes Mr. Superbander who keeps on truckin no matter what and hasn't ever looked back..or had a setback for that matter. I thought to myself...wow, I'm inspired but I'm not all that sure I have it in me to be like him....I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to relate to someone at the peak of Mount Success...Now I realize we are more similar than I thought. I appreciate the fact that you've reached out to all of us in your moment of weakness....and the most I can say is that I have faith in you that you'll get right back on the horse and keep on riding to your goals. You've  done amazing things, and I know that someone with your passion and determination will continue to forge ahead on your journey. You're awesome.
on 7/29/09 1:29 pm - Morristown, NJ
ok Tom..tough love.

Sugar is an addictive drug.  The more you eat of such things the tougher it will be to stay away from them.  My advice...detox from concentrated sweets for three days.  no white flour, no sugar, nothing that looks like, smells like or acts like sugar.  You have proven that you can do it once and I am absolutely sure that you can do it again.  After all your life is on the line.

Good luck and know that a whole bunch of folk are pulling for you.
PS  Get back on the scale every day for awhile.  It tells the truth over time.
Tom C.
on 7/29/09 9:22 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

I stepped on the scale yesterday, and as I feared, I gain another 3 pounds for a total of 6 pounds. OK, it could have been the scale I was on (I’m always heavier on that scale then others) – but either way it put the scare of Jeebus in me. I hope this is just a bump in the journey, and nothing more.


So I am back to “the beginning". I will be doing liquids for a while (with protein drink), then the normal progression of semi-soft foods, soft foods, etc.  I will also be upping my workout. Hopefully I can shed these additional pounds in 3 - 4 weeks.


Thanks everyone for this wisdom, suggestions; reassurance, kind words, tough love. I needed it all !! I am still “down" I am about this, but I know I will eventually get over it. Until then, I’ll remain vigilant of what I eat/drink.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 7/29/09 9:45 pm - Denville, NJ
i know the spot you are in.  I hit it much earlier ...I have been loosing so slowly, only 5 or 6 pounds since March.  I think it is not exercising enough, and wrestling with the sugar and carb demons. For me bites of things have started adding up. It is so difficult to live with out those foods that are so unhealthy for us.  And eating them does trigger a physical response.  Anyway know you are not alone in your struggle.  You can do it.  It sounds like your resolve to get back in the saddle is already formed!!!!
Tom C.
on 7/29/09 9:48 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
Thanks Laura for always being there for me. I can't express how I appreciate it.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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