Went to my first consult

on 7/6/09 9:25 am - middletown, NJ
with Dr. Onepchenko and I am a candidate for surgery but they want me to lose 100lbs first.  Ok if i could lose that that easily why would I need the surgery.

had to get that off my chest.  My friend has her surgery at 392 pounds I am at 396 and she didnt have to lose weight just had to do the 6 month diet.

I knew about the 6 month diet and am all for it but it just bugs me cause here I am with the thyroid issues plus i had a rod put in my back a few years back which helped me gain weight and she literally had nothng wrong with her she was just fat as she would say.

Just bugs me ya know,  Anyway i need to find a program because I would like to lose at least 50lbs as I know it would benefit me for surgery.  Thing is Ia m on unemployment a single mom with a 3yr old and alot of programs you need to shell out serious cash which I do not have at the moment.

Any ideas!  I am so excited that today according to the dr was the 1st day towards the 6 months
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/09 10:51 am - NJ

I do not know Dr. Onepchenko but did you ask his reason for losing so much prior to surgery?  Maybe he had a good reason. 

It may be tough for you but after finding that out, seek another opinion.  If you are considered "high risk" as I was, some doctors may be uncomfortable doing the surgery.  You might be a case where you need someone who has already dealt with patients with similar issues.

You may find that the reason your doctor wants you to lose some first is very valid.   But it is worth checking around if it's possible.

Good Luck!
on 7/6/09 12:20 pm - middletown, NJ
I did question it when I was there and he said its because the higher your bmi the risks are greater and I agree with him ideally they want me to lose that but are going to reevaluate me in 3 months to see how im doing.  

i wouldnt feel comfortable going into a surgery at this high of a weight right now I guess I was frustrated when I posted.

on 7/10/09 2:23 pm
i agree that your bmi should be lower when you get surgery but maybe there is a good reason for him asking you to lose 100 pounds but then again if you could lose that much on your own..i dont see the reason for surgery.maybe you look into other options---if this is bothering you so much--look into other doctors--

Good Luck with everything!!
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