Newbie ~ also, have a question...

(deactivated member)
on 6/22/09 4:16 am - NJ
Only you can decide that.  I have lost about 43 pounds - almost halfway there!!   

But, I am losing slower because I am a revision.  The adjustments are freaky, but painless.  For me, feeling the port under my skin creeped me the hell out.  But that's me - some people can't feel it at all.  AND - most insurance companies will not pay for a fill for 90 days AFTER  you have had surgery.  My surgeon didn't add any saline when he put the band in - some do.

That is a very important question you will want to ask when you go for your consult.  Also - where your doctor does the fills is huge too.  Mine only did them under fluoro at the hopstial's radiology department.  Some do them in office.  

After the initial swelling wears off, I didn't have any restricition at all and "white knuckled it" till my fill in October (I got the band June 24 last year).  It can take many fills and unfills till you get proper restriction.

Best of luck to you - and again, only you can decide what's best for your body - I am just sharing my experiences and my reaction to the band is fairly uncommon.  But it does happen.  Fortunately for me, my insurance covered the whole thing.  There was a medical reason for it to be removed and for me to have a revision.

Not saying you are going to fail the band - but most insurance will not pay for it to be removed simply because you are not losing weight fast enough or losing enough weight.  It does happen, although there are lots of people I know who are rocking the band too.  I also know people who have lost not so much weight with the band.  People also fail the bypass too - there are lots of people who gain all the weight back with that as well.

Best of luck to you in reaching your decision - please let us know what you decide!

on 6/22/09 2:01 am - Monmouth Junction, NJ
Hi Stacey,
Can you also send me the info on Facebook?

on 6/24/09 5:14 am - Chatham, NJ
Hi Anastasia,

I had the band back in December.  Like you, I am in my 30s, have no medical issues, and I have two small children.  After carefully considering all of the pros and cons of each surgery, I decided that the band would be the best option for me.  In my mind, I figured that If it didn't work, then I could always switch to one of the other more drastic procedures later. 

Luckily, I have been able to work really, really hard the past few months and it has definitely paid off.  I am completely happy with my decision and I am proud of the fact that 99% of the results are directly attributable to the specific behavior changes that I have made. 

Best of luck on your decision.

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