Newbie ~ also, have a question...

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/09 3:28 am
Hey everyone!  Well, I've been considering WLS for a few years now and I think I'm finally ready to actually go through with it. I was chubby all through my childhood, then got heavier as a teen and and as an adult. Dieting for me only seemed to work short term, and only if I crash dieted. The slow and steady pace never seemed to work. My biggest loss was 106 pounds in 5 months back in 02, but when I went through a very stressful situation a couple years later, I lost all motivation and the weight (plus a little more) came back on. I've been researching a lot this past week and I thought Lap Band sounded right for me (scared of having major surgery and I have a son so I don't want to be out of commission too long), but gastric bypass seems to have faster results and more people advocating it. My question is, for anyone with experience or more knowledgable on the topic than I am, what would you say is best? I'm 31 years old, no major illnesses, perfect blood pressure, 5ft6, 350lbs. Any advice is much appreciated! 
on 6/20/09 7:31 am - Brick, NJ
Hi Anastasia

No one can tell you what surgery to have. You should learn about all different types of surgeries and choose the best one for you. I can tell you why I chose the lap band:

- Surgically much less riskier than the RNY

- Did not want to have a dumping issue - I have a friend who had RNY and things like sugar were very difficult for her to digest - I didnt want to give anything up totally - If I wanted a little something I wanted to have it but in moderation

- I LOVED the adjustability and that if I needed an adjustment I could get one

I do not regret my choice - I love every minute of it even the bad ones when I become stuck or what I affectionately now call "traffic jams" - they are learning moments - this is a tool to help us get to our goal this is not the answer - as my surgeon said this is 10% surgery 90% patient - if you do not have a committment to follow up most surgeries will not work for you. There is a way to cheat them all.

We are very close in age - Im 30 - have 2 children 8 years old and 2 years old - my surgery was 2/24 and I have lost 50 pounds - what I have gained back in the last 4 months is priceless - for once in my life I know there is Hope and Help for me to conquer this.

Feel free to PM - ask anything you want


P.S. We have started a NJ WLS group on FB (its secret and will not show up on your profile) - if you would like to be apart of it  - PM me your FB name and I will send you an invite

on 6/20/09 2:28 pm - NJ
Hi.  You sound a lot like me, chubby kid, heavier as an adult, lose a huge amount and gain it back plus more.  I'm older than you and come with a medical background.  We have 4 kids and my home based support with family and friends is magnificent.  I researched WLS very extensively.  Medically, I was cleared for either RNY or band, my choice.  Crazy, how could the patient decide.  I have a wonderful gastroenterologist and a friend who is a cardiologist (but not my doctor).  After quizzing my chosen WLS surgeon, I asked the two above MD's.  All 3 independently told me this: if the BMI is over 40 and the patient is a snacker rather than 3 squares/day, then RNY may be more appropriate.  If the BMI is under 40 and 3 meals/day is ok, then banding may be better. 

My BMI was 47.6 at my highest known weight of 260.  I chose RNY and had the surgery 4/30/08.  I met my surgeon's goal of 120 lbs lost at the 11 month mark and have since lost a bit more.  I am healthy and happy. Complication free.  2 nights in hospital and 2 weeks at home trying to take it easy.  2 episodes of dumping and NO vomiting.  I made the right choice for me.  You must do the same thing.  Ask your surgeon and NUT to talk you through it. 

Just get ready for a wild ride, whichever you choose.  Good luck,
Paul S.
on 6/20/09 11:43 pm - Hillsborough, NJ
You have to figure this out yourself, no one should decide for you. I remember I was dead set on lapband but once I did all the research and had had a discussion with my surgeon (Dr Nicolas Bertha - highly recommended) I decided on RNY. The surgeon would not tell me what to do but listened to me and my reasons and then agreed based on what I told him.

I originally wanted lapband due to lower risk and the possibility of reversal. I chose RNY because of: faster weight loss; quicker reduction of weight-related issues (arthritis, sleep apnea, etc.); harder to cheat with sweets (threat of dumping); less prone to bloackage up if I didn't chew food well enough; and less follow ups required post-surgery.

My RNY is a tool that allows me to change my life for the better and I feel so much better without so much weight! Your success with either procedure is largely a function of your commitment to changing your life and following the program.

After 9 months and losing 121 pounds, I've seen very successful people and those not so successful. Stick with the program, moderation is key.  I think the fear of dumping is a good deterant but I've only dumped once, the first time I had eggs when starting soft foods.

Plan to be involved with support groups and the on-line WLS community. Get your family involved so they know what you are going through. I've taken my wife to some support group meetings - it helps her understand what I'm going through and that I am basically under control here. My wife lost a lot of weight on WW and tends to critique every little thing she thinks I might be doing wrong. After coming to the support groups she has backed off and gives me more latitude to handle things my way.

Some of my friends had a really hard time understanding the life changing commitment requried by WLS. You'dd need to figure out how to manage these folks as well.

I heartily recommend the Weight Loss Surgey for Dummies book. Despite the name it is an excellent book theat covers not only the physical issue but also the social and mental issues you'll encounter in your journey.

Best of luck.
The road to success is always under construction.
Tom C.
on 6/21/09 7:04 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

As everyone has said, NO ONE can may this decision for you but YOU .. but before you decide, ask yourself some of these questions

How much weight do I really want to lose? - Typically you can lose more with bypass then band, but again if you're dedicated you can do it with either.

How fast do I want to lose the weight? - Of course bypass lose quicker then band - but after 3 to 5 years they both lose the same.

What are my eating habits? - Are you a "big meal" or "grazer" eater? Depending on which one you are one may be better then the other.

Can I do without sweets? - If you know you love you "sugary sweet" things, and will cheat with it - then BYPASS is the way to go.

There are lots more, but these are things to think about. My two other advice, (1) RESEARCH !! RESEARCH !! RESEARCH !! Personally I did about 5 years worth. Now I don't recommend that, but do research (2) Talk to a Bariatric Doctor what you want to accomplish. They can help guide you which is the better operation, but remember the final decision is YOURS. Don't do one if you're not comfortable with it.

Good luck, and remember we're here to help you !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
(deactivated member)
on 6/21/09 12:17 pm
Thank you to all of you for sharing your stories! I have to say, I was freaking out signing up for this site because I'm such a private person but it's really calming realizing how many of you have been there, or are still here, and who want to support each other.

I don't take for granted all of the advice you've taken the time to type out - I've taken down a few notes and I am super scared and nervous but I am going to stop by my doctor this Thursday and broach the subject with him. I've wanted to do it for several years but never even thought to find a support group and I think that's what stopped me, not having anyone else who would understand my fears. I've now seen before/after pictures, read experiences of both good and bad and feel a lot more equipped to make the decision to go ahead with this. You all look so beautiful, by the way! 

Stacey: Thanks so much for the invite to the FB group, but that would be way too much exposure for me, I don't want to risk the chance of someone I know knowing so much personal info about me. Maybe someday when I'm at the end of this journey I might feel more empowered, but right now it's scary to go public with a really private decision. Kudos to those of you who have the guts to be so open with it, I admire that.

Well I guss I'll update after I see my primary physician and until then I'll keep reading!
Tom C.
on 6/21/09 10:59 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
I don't want to add to your stress, but in some cases primary Doctors discourge WLS. Most because they aren't educated enough in it. If you Doctor is one of these types, don't get discourged. Go see a Bariatric specialists for a second opinion.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
(deactivated member)
on 6/22/09 2:23 am
On June 22, 2009 at 5:59 AM Pacific Time, tcasola wrote:
I don't want to add to your stress, but in some cases primary Doctors discourge WLS. Most because they aren't educated enough in it. If you Doctor is one of these types, don't get discourged. Go see a Bariatric specialists for a second opinion.
Well my primary physician is the one who planted the seed in my mind a few years ago, so hopefully he's still open to helping me along. Thanks for the heads up
(deactivated member)
on 6/22/09 2:01 am - NJ
Welcome - and I echo what everyone else has said.  Research all the options - there are more than just the RNY and band - the VSG and the DS are also options.

I wanted to share with you my experience - I chose the band for the same reasons you stated.  It was a less invasive surgery, adjustable, etc.....It is still major surgery though.  I did great up until I got a very bad case of reflux, that worsened with each adjustment.  My case is rare, but it's out there.  Lots of people I know had reflux prior to the band and it has resolved with the surgery.

Mine didn't go away till I had the RNY.  

Having had both surgeries, I can say that weight loss is much faster with RNY than with the band.  I was in the hospital 2 nights and feeling myself within two weeks with the RNY.  

Lap band surgery was same day.  The band did provide some loss, but for me, the RNY is much better.  I am almost halfway to my goal loss of 100 pounds - I had surgery April 6th.

You really need to know your eating habits and think long and hard about what will work for you.  

Good luck on your journey and keep us posted!  Ask away with any questions you have - that's what we are here for!

(deactivated member)
on 6/22/09 2:26 am
On June 22, 2009 at 9:01 AM Pacific Time, Jennifer W. wrote:
Welcome - and I echo what everyone else has said.  Research all the options - there are more than just the RNY and band - the VSG and the DS are also options.

I wanted to share with you my experience - I chose the band for the same reasons you stated.  It was a less invasive surgery, adjustable, etc.....It is still major surgery though.  I did great up until I got a very bad case of reflux, that worsened with each adjustment.  My case is rare, but it's out there.  Lots of people I know had reflux prior to the band and it has resolved with the surgery.

Mine didn't go away till I had the RNY.  

Having had both surgeries, I can say that weight loss is much faster with RNY than with the band.  I was in the hospital 2 nights and feeling myself within two weeks with the RNY.  

Lap band surgery was same day.  The band did provide some loss, but for me, the RNY is much better.  I am almost halfway to my goal loss of 100 pounds - I had surgery April 6th.

You really need to know your eating habits and think long and hard about what will work for you.  

Good luck on your journey and keep us posted!  Ask away with any questions you have - that's what we are here for!

Wow, 50lbs in 2 months is amazing, congratulations :)

The band having to be adjusted is what freaks me out. If someone's going to cut me open I may as well just get the gastric bypass.
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