new to OH :)

(deactivated member)
on 6/17/09 8:34 pm - NJ
Hi Everyone!! I am new to OH and am excited to get to know everyone here!! I recently decided I would like to have WLS and am stuck between RNY and a band.  I meet with my surgeon tuesday and hopefully that will make the decision easier.  Also, I want to start the insurance approval process.  When you stared was it easy to get insurance approval? How old were you when you decided surgery was right for you? I am 25.  I cant wait to meet with the surgeon and i am starting to get a little antsy about waiting until tuesday to see him.  I cant wait until tuesday to see what he thinks and maybe i will come to a decision as to which surgery i will get! I look forward to getting to know all of you on here especially those of you from bergen county area! Have any of you gone to Dr. Trivedi? What do you think of him? thanks :-D
(deactivated member)
on 6/18/09 1:36 am - NJ
Hi there - 

I have had both the band (had it removed due to reflux issues) and I now have the RNY.  I went for the band initially because I thought it would be for me, however, there are a small percentage of people that the band makes reflux worse for, and I am one of them.  Lots of people have reflux cleared up with the band.  

The RNY has cured my reflux entirely.  I am also losing weight faster then I did with the band.  

It is a serious decision that you will have to live with the rest of your life.  

Your doctor's office should have someone dedicated to insurance issues - and I was approved quickly for all surgeries!

Best of luck to you!

Barbi M.
on 6/18/09 3:04 am - Maplewood, NJ
welcom to OH and your journey.  I am waiting for the last of my requirements for insurance approval and should get a date for surgery after August.  I am going with the RNY because the lapband didn't sound like it would be the tool for me.  I am 54 and very active (exept lately I can't stand the pain in my knees and back)  I want to loose 100lbs so I felt RNY was a better choice for me.  I have Type 2 diabetes, and hypertension so my Dr suggested the RNY as well.  I am having my surger in Dover at St Clares, and live in Maplewood NJ so it is bit of a commute but worth it.  I have had all the required testing except the 6 month Dr Supervised diet (only 2 months to go) and the waiting has been a real frustration.  My advice so far....keep on top of everything, faxed letters, faxed results etc.  get misplaced or never rec'd and it is so much extra work getting 2nd copies.  Good luck on your journey and the support here is amazing!

on 6/18/09 11:07 am - NJ
Hi, well get yourself ready for the wildest ride of your life.  This was one of the BEST decisions I have ever made.  Use the time until Tuesday to write down ALL of your questions and concerns for the doctor.  Have a list of any and all medications you presently take, with the dosages.  Also, a list of all your other doctors, internist, ob-gyn, etc, addresses and phone numbers.

I was 50 when I had RNY, I met my doctor's goal for me of 120 lbs lost at 11 months out.  I've continued to lose another small amount since.  I exercise daily, power walking, stationary bike, circuit weight training, dance class and cardio kick boxing.  One can do far better if they get into a good exercise routine, the earlier the better. 

Deciding which surgery really threw me.  It greatly depends on your medical status and then some insurance companies will pnly pay for one and not the other.  I have a great gastroenterologist and quizzed her about my options.  Another friend, a cardiologist offered his opinion and then I thoroughly questioned my chosen surgeon.  They all gave me the same answer, independantly.  If one's BMI is over 40 and they are a snacker rather than a 3 meal/day person, then the RNY is a better choice.  Under 40 and a 3 meal/day person, then maybe a band is the choice.  This is not written in stone and all options must be considered based on the person, their health, the doctor and the insurance co.  More weight will be lost (on average) with RNY but while both surgeries have the restrictive feature, RNY is also mal-absorptive.  Following a strict  food plan with multiple supplements is absolute with RNY.  One must be pledged to follow all the rules.  While in the beginning it seemed confusing, it is just the way I do things now.  My mind set is completely RNY.

Coupled with my exercise and intake protocol, I am a success.  In the winter I will have plastic surgery to remove some excess skin at my stomach and hips, a lower body lift.   I am not familiar with you surgeon.  Hope your appoitment goes well, remember to WRITE down all your questions, start a WLS notebook.  Reading it afterwards might be interesting!
Good Luck,
on 6/19/09 11:56 am - Denville, NJ
Welcome...I had the bypass last july, some complications but not sorry. i have lost 100 pounds. Looking to take off about 40 more. Good luck with your decision!
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