My journey begins TOMORROW!!!

on 5/17/09 11:31 pm - Milford, NJ

As I sit here drinking my water, I can hardly believe tomorrow is my surgery, I started thinking about this August 2008 and went to Dr. Abkin's New Patient Seminar in Feb 2009. I keep waiting for Jessica to call and say they scheduled the wrong Kimberly Smith...or that the insurance company is changing their mind. So many emotions running thru my head last night and today. I'm so excited, scared, nervous, anxious, happy, sad, HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!! Only clear liquids it's water and broth!!!

I just wanted to thank all of the wonderful friends I have made on this website. You all have enriched my life in such a positive way, for that I THANK YOU!!!!!

My family has been amazing, my daughters are very excited for me, yet very nervous. They will both be with my tomorrow, as well as my Mom and Dad and the best Boyfriend/Mentor/Angel anyone could ever hope for...Tommy, I love you with all my heart and soul!!!!

So tomorrow it is....please keep a seat warm for me on the loser's bench!!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

Kym W.
on 5/18/09 12:14 am
Congrats!!!! I know exactly what you are feeling, just stay busy today, don't let your nerves get to you (yea right)....We are all anxious to hear how you come through. Tonight, take a before pic, front and side view. And do your measurements. This will be tremendous motivation through your journey. Especially when you look back at where you started. You are a beautiful lady, and we are all routing for you!!!! Got that seat waitin ya!!!!
on 5/18/09 2:04 am - Milford, NJ
Thanks so much Kym!!! I just said to my Mom this morning...can you help me with pics and measurements tonight!!! I just can't wait to get this journey started!!! Can't wait to be on the loser's bench with you!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 5/18/09 1:29 am - Piscataway, NJ
I have a seat with your name on it right next to me!   It's so scary going into it.  But once you're out of the recovery room and in your own room, you'll be saying to yourself,  "I can't believe how scared/nervous/anxious I was.  It really wasn't that bad at all."  And the next thing you will be saying is "When can I drink some water?"  Just remember to bring the lip balm on you list of things to bring to the hospital.  It really does help.  Tomorrow you will officially take your seat on the loser's bench!  You go, girl!

Mary Ann
on 5/18/09 2:05 am - Milford, NJ
Thanks had Dr. A too!!! How was he??? I just love him to pieces!!! Did you see him before and after surgery???

Lip it on the list!!!! Thanks so much!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 5/18/09 2:53 am
Hey there Kimi,

Thinking of you. Good luck tomorrow. I know you'll do great throughout this journey. You have lots of support to get you through and stand behind you. I saw you asked about seeing the doc. I saw Dr. B. in pre-op and then again in the recovery room when I was just waking up!!! Be sure to ask Tom to keep us posted on how you are doing.

Take care and can't wait to see you at a support group meeting soon.


on 5/18/09 3:37 am - Milford, NJ
Thanks June....I can't wait!!! Soo glad I'll see Dr. A after the surgery!!!

I've asked Tom to post to let everyone know how I'm doin!!! Thanks for asking!!!

How is everything going with you???

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 5/18/09 2:56 am - Brick, NJ

Congratulations and we are so happy to be welcoming you on the losers bench! It will be a breeze you are in great hands. Please have Tommy let us know how you are doing.

We will be thinking of you Kim


on 5/18/09 3:38 am - Milford, NJ
Thanks Stacey.....I've already asked him to let you guys know how things went!!!! Thanks for all the support!!!

How are you doing??

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 5/18/09 7:29 am
good luck - everything will be fine - here is to a fast and speedy recovery - will save a seat on the loosers bench! - Jo
Jo -319h/202l - 240h/237sd/218.5c/190goal
Arnold H. Glasgow

Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.

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