looking for information/opinion on dr neff

on 2/28/09 11:21 pm - WILLIAMSTOWN , NJ
Interested in lap or realize band. anyone interested in sharing some insite on dr neff and his team

thanks Donna

Donna      HW 242   SW 227  CW 117 

on 3/1/09 2:31 am - deptford, NJ
I attempted to get an appointment with his office three times by phone.  I attempted to email for an appointment.   Staff was not rude but they sounded stressed.  I never got a call back.  I was disappointed because they are so close.  that also made me a bit nervous.  I ended up with Dr O. out of Atlanticare ( has bariatric center of excellence accredidation).  I get banded tommorow.  I have found his staff to be polite.  His office is in Egg Harbor Twp and takes me about 1/2 hour to get to so it is probably closer for you.
good luck with whom ever you choose.  Good idea to start your 6 month dietician visits now.
on 3/1/09 8:51 pm - Pitman, NJ
Where did you get an email for him??  I never saw one?

14 pounds lost before surgery. My first ticker is when I hit onderland: this was my goal when I started on this journey.  I want to focus on that right now...once I get there I can reevaluate.

My second ticker is my dream goal. Even if I only visit there for a short time, it would be nice to see that number just once.  I am pretty sure I'll need plastics to hit this goal.

on 3/6/09 5:44 am - deptford, NJ
One the hospital's main page there was a link fo more info.  I emailed with specific questions, left phone, cell phone and email and never got an answer.
on 3/1/09 8:27 pm - sewell, NJ
 I think dr neff is a  outstanding dr i'm in the process of getting approval for rny but the office staff isn't the greatest i would agree but the doctors care is the best
on 3/1/09 8:50 pm - Pitman, NJ
Sherry --- good luck on getting approval.  Isn't Dr. Neff the greatest! I adore him!

14 pounds lost before surgery. My first ticker is when I hit onderland: this was my goal when I started on this journey.  I want to focus on that right now...once I get there I can reevaluate.

My second ticker is my dream goal. Even if I only visit there for a short time, it would be nice to see that number just once.  I am pretty sure I'll need plastics to hit this goal.

on 3/1/09 8:49 pm - Pitman, NJ
Dr Neff is awsome!! I love this man and since you asked here I go.  It's going to be long so grab a cup of coffee and sit back:

---  WhenEVER you have an appointment with him -- you see HIM.  Not a PA, HIM. I feel terrible when I see others here never see their surgeon after surgery.

He is extremely kind, asks before he looks at your stomach, is so encouraging, funny, respectful and sweet.  I never feel rushed when we are talking or like I am a number to him.  When I leave from an appointment, I feel like I am the most important person to him -- and that feels wonderful.  He is also very sensative to the needs of the obese --- for instance, I have issues driving and so I asked if I could go for my post op follow up appointments to his Turnersville office -- he said yes, and then told me to just make sure the seats in the waiting area were comfortable enough for me.  They were, so there was no issue, but was touched that he cared enough to ask.

At my last appointment he asked what else could HE do to make my succeed. 

--- He is extremely meticulous.  When I had my surgery, I had a private room with a private bath. These are baratric rooms and are marked for his patients and when someone tried to put someone else in one of his rooms -- I heard the nurses tell them absolutely NOT -- they are Dr. Neff's patients only -- that just shows the respect the nurses have for him.

I also had a special bed that would fold up into a chair and then lift you up so you could get out of bed easier.  It wasn't there the first night and he immediately went out to the nurses station to make sure it was there before I went to sleep that night.  Everytime he visited me in the hospital he asked if I was being treated like a princess.  And he came every night.  I was his first surgery that day at 7am.  I know he had a support group meeting that evening and yet at nine pm that night he came in to say hi before heading home.  He spent a good 15-20 minutes just chatting, telling me how the surgery went, how did I feel...and just some small talk -- to make sure I felt comfortable.  He's just a kind man...with a wonderful heart.

He had breathing treatments, anti nausea, and blood thinner to make sure that every possible complication could be addressed.  Very proactive.  He even had a physical therapist visit before I left to make sure that I was walking ok before I left the hospital.

Every. Single. Nurse or person that came into my room raved about Dr. Neff.  They all said the same thing: that he is an phenominal surgeon with a tremendous bedside manner -- and that is very rare.  You can get a great surgeon, or an ok surgeon with great bedside manner..but to get both -- that is rare!!  They love him and that says a lot.

I was sent home with lovenox for the 10 days after surgery. 

He really does everything to make sure we succeed.

--- He's very witty and a bit sarcastic --- which I love because so am I.  He loves to put you at ease and understands our fears.  My first information seminar with him, someone asked "how long do you stay in the hospital after surgery".  His response: "Me? I go home that night, have dinner, spend time with my kids...you? You'll be there a couple of days....

When he smiles his eyes crinkle --- you'll understand this when you meet him. 

---Finally, I'll give you the one con:  His office staff is stressed.  He is a busy guy.  I had a few issues with his staff.  I had originally been denied...and had to hire a lawyer to get me approved.  The lawyer instructed us to resubmit, it had been a couple of months, knowing it would be denied, and then they could work the denial.  I called the office and then got a call back from the insurance lady (kelly, i think?) saying she thought I should come back in for another appointment.  When I tried to explain that we just wanted the denial --- she kept saying that insurance would deny it since it had been a few months since I had been there -- I finally asked what did the Dr say?  She got quiet and said that Dr. Neff told her to resubmit it...so I got firm and said, then you need to do what the DR said and not what you wish to do. IF this is an issue please have him call me.  Needless to say, she did it.

I find that post op, getting an appointment is easier if I wait closer to when I need to see him. Right now I don't see him until May -- so I won't call until early May to have my appointment the end of the month ( I want to see him after my 5K so I can bring pictures).  They don't keep their books way in advance because it depends on his schedule which I think they do twice a month.

But, I've gotten to the point that having such a wonderful surgeon as Dr. Neff, I'll take the staff with a grain of salt.  I know they must be overworked and stressed --- he really is the best surgeon in the area.

Go see him once, you won't even give another surgeon a second thought.  I went to two other surgeons before I found Dr. Neff --- and I can't begin to say how happy I am that I waited until I found him to have surgery.  He saved my life -- when you tell him this, he gets all embarrassed and changes the subject to how well YOU are doing.  He's extremely humble!! I know I would never have done so well without him.

Oh, one last thing -- he works with Val, the nutritionist at Kennedy. I love her. I actually set myself up to see her through the first year.  It is a $200 program and I see her at my two weeks, one, three, six, nine and twelve months after surgery.  She does measurements, looks at my journal, makes notes and sends them all to Dr. Neff so he has them at my appointments.  I like that they talk and know how I am doing. I really feel like it is a team effort.

I can not recommend him enough -- can you tell?  Go to his informational meeting or a support group meeting and see for yourself. Hopefully some of the others from his 'fan club' will chime in soon....

14 pounds lost before surgery. My first ticker is when I hit onderland: this was my goal when I started on this journey.  I want to focus on that right now...once I get there I can reevaluate.

My second ticker is my dream goal. Even if I only visit there for a short time, it would be nice to see that number just once.  I am pretty sure I'll need plastics to hit this goal.

Eileen O.
on 3/1/09 9:44 pm - Blackwood Terrace, NJ
WOW Misty- now how the heck am I supposed to follow that rave review! hahaha All I am say is DITTO, DITTO, DITTO to Misty review Donna.

Yes the office staff can be a little rough at time...not all just one inparticular and yes they are stressed. They not only work for Dr. Neff but his partner Dr. Cohen. I work at the same hospital and the difference between what other employees say about these two men is seriously NIGHT and DAY.

Dr. Neff is so kind and caring, he has wonderful patient stats (very low infection/complications, even lower morbidity, quality personal patient care pre and post-op...etc) The nursing staff at Kennedy's ICU, PCU and Medical Units, in Cherry Hill's, all say if they EVER needed surgery they would go to Dr. Neff. That spoke volumns to me. These are men and women who work with him day in and out and they think he is wonderful!

If word of mouth means anything than please be pateint with his office staff and go see him for yourself. Part of the problem is there is no coordinator for the Bariatrics program ...they lost the old one last year and haven't filled the postion yet. So the ladies in the office are picking up all the additional responsibilities of that position. I have applied for the job but as of the end of Janurary I was told that the hospital still hasn't made a decision on whether or not they are hiring anyone...it is a shame as they really need one....if nothing else to eliminate issues like the one Darby had....there is no excuse for that...busy or not to not get a call back is terrible. It is hard enough to make the first call. Anyway....

Like Misty said, go see him, you will stop your search right there. He will do everything he can to help you succeed! He really does care. He has truly given me a second chance at living!

I will be at the never support meeting (I try to make everyone) so if you are interested in going contact me and I would be happy to introduce you to many others who have nothing but wonderful things to say about Dr. Neff.

Peace~ Eileen

Powerful Women's Motto : Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says, "Oh Noooooo....SHE's awake!!"
on 3/1/09 10:37 pm - Woodbury, NJ
When I first meet  him I was extremely impressed.  He has a great beside manner, is truly a careing doctor. He is sincere in what he dose. On my second appointment I took my husband with me and Dr. Neff took the time to explain my choices and procedures until my hubby understood. He was patient and clear in his answers to my hubby.  His staff worked very hard to get my approval (no easy task as I have a HMO Medicaid) and was able to get my approval on the first try.  I had my surgery in JFK in Stratford NJ and the staff there was excellent, well trained and informed. They too were sincere and compassionate.  I had no complications with my surgery and it all went well. My follow up appointments have been fine also.  I have found him to be a skilled surgeon, he is patient, informed and reflects this back to his patients as well.

on 3/2/09 11:29 pm - WILLIAMSTOWN , NJ
Thank you thank you thank you all for the wonderful input.  I will try to get an appointment with him. I have had most of my work up done already.  I backed out the end of last year on the rny because I got scared of the whole mal nutrition stuff.  I was not real happy with the surgeon I saw.  I work at temple as a nurse and he was highly recommended for his surgical skill, but beside manner is terrible.

anyhow, I really need some sort of surgery.  I have alot of gastro problems with reflux and low PH in my tummy and esophageal decreased motility.  I want to do the right thing.  Maybe a band or VSG.  I need a dr who will really look into this and give me the best support and answers.  I like the fact that staff at the hospital recommends him.  They see the good and the bad.

SOOOOOOOOOO, when is your next support group meeting?  I am going to call now to get an appointment with him. 

The nutritionist is also very important in this decision.  I did not like the temple nutritionist, she made you feel really fat and a loser and she nad no personality.

I understand these programs see alot of people who are considering surgery and must lose their patience butttttttttttt.  Ok I am all in for this, you guys made me excited.

Looking to meet you guys, just let me know when the meeting is.


Donna      HW 242   SW 227  CW 117 

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