
Linda P.
on 2/26/09 3:39 am
I'm curious about the pain from Lap Band surgery.  I had really easy/relatively painfree recoveries after two c-sections in the past 18 months; I did take my pain meds, don't get me wrong, but I was up and walking the same day, as they suggest.  Is the discomfort from WLS anything like a c-section?
(deactivated member)
on 2/26/09 3:47 am
Hi there Linda, I did the lapband surgery yesterday and everything went great. They did also repair a hiatal hernia. I don't have pain per say, but the gas in the shoulders and back is painful. I know it is just temporary though and will pass! I checked in at 8:30am; had surgery from 1102-11:50am; in recovery for about 1 1/2 hrs and back to short stay for 2 hours. I was home at quicker than even going to work yesterday!!!

Good luck to you. I know you will do just fine! I haven't had a C-section or even experienced birth, but I would think that this is the easist of all.
Linda P.
on 2/26/09 3:52 am
Thanks for your reply!  I'm glad to hear that everything went well and that you're home recuperating.  Yesterday was my birthday, so you had your surgery on a VERY special day!  I'm a big chicken when it comes to pain, so I'll have to remind myself like you said: it's only temporary and will pass...
on 2/28/09 1:42 am - NJ
I had my surgery wed. 2-25 and I'm getting ready to drive and get my paycheck from work. I feel that good. I did have a c-section when i was 26yrs old and let me tell you I'm 42 yrs old and getting around better now. Don't worry you'll be great!!

on 2/28/09 2:37 am - Milford, NJ
Thanks for all the infor regarding pain...I had two c-sections 17 yrs and 12 yrs ago and had no problems at all as well.  Looking to have the surgery done beg of April...good luck to all!!!

I was a hairdresser for 20 years....not onto other things...LOL

Linda P.
on 2/28/09 10:58 pm
Thanks for your surgery's tomorrow, I can hardly wait :o)
Michelle F.
on 3/1/09 4:27 am
Good luck Linda!    I  had 2 c-sections years ago and the only similarity to them and the band was the gas pains, which were bearable...not pleasant but easily tolerated!  As long as you get up and walk around slowly you'll be fine.

Let us know how you're doing when you get home.

Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11

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