4 Year Surgiversary!!!!!!!!!!

on 2/23/09 3:55 am - Toms River, NJ
Yesterday was my actual birthday, but I was more excited knowing that my 4 year surgiversary was today!

I have lost a lot during the last 4 years:  a bad relationship, shyness, discrimation, loneliness and over 200 lbs.

Right now I am struggling with a gain..... who will probably be named Sofia and hopefully will be born in June.  So this is a good gain, pregnancy gain, that I am learning to cope with. 

Other than my pregnancy, before I got pregnant I was at my usual low weight, for me which is 200 lbs. Sometimes I struggle with that, because people at 200 lbs get surgery, but I'm supposedly tall.  I think 20 lbs of that 200 is extra skin on my stomach....and I cannot wait to have that removed. 

For my birthday cake I had a whole wheat sugar free carrot cake...it was freaking delicious!  I will make cupcakes of it for our next OCWLS Holiday Par-tay.

Michelle F.
on 2/23/09 5:02 am

Congratulations on your surgiversary and your wonderful gain!  It's always so great to hear the success stories.

Your cake sounds yummy, can you post the recipe?    I'm always up for a low-carb SF treat!

Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11

(deactivated member)
on 2/23/09 6:40 pm - NJ
Congratulations on a wonderful success!

Would you be willing to share the recipe for that carrot cake?  :-)

Thanks & all the best for you & Sofia      
on 2/23/09 9:26 pm - Howell, NJ
Happy Birthday/Happy Surgiversary!!  You look wonderful and glowing with impending motherhood.  Sofia is a beautiful name and my oldest was born in June, what a nice month to have a baby!  You are such a diligent bypasser, I am sure you will quickly shed any pregnancy weight after baby.  Enjoy!

on 2/23/09 9:50 pm - Toms River, NJ
Hey sweet cheeks -- I knew Sunday was your birthday, but didn't know yesterday was your surgiversary -- I would have congratulated you properly last night if I did!  It was good seeing you -- you are truly blossoming in all the right ways, and I am so happy to be part of your life and your friend, and hope to be part of Sofia's 'circle' too!  Hope to see you Wednesday.

Love ya,

Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11

on 2/23/09 10:58 pm - Parsippany, NJ
Congratulations Angela..
I have been following your posts forever now.. we aren't to far apart with surgery dates.
I have so admired your progress. and I only wish you much continued success.

Welcome Sofia,, I am sure she will be the best part of this whole journey..


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