The Journey Begins....

on 2/13/09 1:51 am - Milford, NJ
I went to the New Patient Seminar last night at St. Peters with Drs. Abkin, Bertha and Iannace. While I was very nervous, I was extremely excited. 
The first part of the seminar was done by Marco, one of the OR nurses, he's a riot!!!  Very informative. 
Then came, guest speakers who have had the Band or Bypass done.  Amazing stories and lots of weight lost!!! 
Then the "big guys" came out.  All 3 Doctors were very friendly, answered all questions put my mind at ease that I had made the right choice in this group.
Dr. Abkin, my choice, was very straight forward, very detailed in his explanations and told it like it was.
Dr. Bertha reminded me of Tom Cruise, he had a cute personality and was also very informative and detailed.
Dr. Iannace seemed very nice as well, he's new to their group.
Jessica, their Insurance Guru, also spoke and took questions.  Cigna, which is my carrier, is a stickler for I am going to have to make sure I have all my i's dotted and t's crossed.
After the formal seminar you could speak with a doctor/ins specialist/nutritionist and ask questions, I was honored to meet and speak with Dr. Abkin.  My friend and mentor who was there with me and had Dr. A, introduced us.  I was in awe....
I spoke with Jessica regarding my insurance issues and she told me we would speak in depth at the office, but told me what to ask when I called them today.
Finally, I made an appointment for a consultation for Feb 26th!!!!  The seminar started at 7:15pm and we left at about 10:30pm.  Sooo much information to absorb and they gave each new patient a booklet of information, brochures, guides and flyer's. 
I cried this morning when I reviewing the night in my mind, FINALLY, I feel as if there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I have always felt like there is a girl inside of me fighting to get out, now she has the chance.  I've made all my calls today and so far so good....everything is in line for Feb 26th.....
Sorry this was so long but I just wanted to share my very special night with all of you. 
Happy Valentine's day to everyone!!!
Paul S.
on 2/13/09 2:31 am - Hillsborough, NJ
Hi Kimi,

Dr. Bertha did my RNY surgery last September and I have to say you picked an excellent practice. The ALS doctors and their practice team provide a ton of guidance so you will be well informed, cared for and guided along the way. I've lost almost 100 pounds in the 4.5 months since my surgery and attend the support groups each month at St Peters (at 6pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month). These guys have done literally 1000's of these operations and take good care of you.

Best of luck on your WLS journey.

The road to success is always under construction.
on 2/13/09 2:45 am - Milford, NJ
Thank you so much for replying to my post!!!!  Congratulations on your success!!!  I feel very comfortable with my choice of doctors I've chosen.
Keep us posted on your journey....
on 2/13/09 4:08 am
The hardest part now is dotting all those I's and crossing the t's for the insurance. I started in November and my insurance reguires 6months of Nutrition counciling, seeing a Cardiologist,a Pulmanary Doc, A Endoscope Doc, and a Psycologist, I will finally be able to get surgery May22nd,because I finish up with Nutrition in April..I can't wait, I feel like I have been jumping through hoops forever and May will never get here!! Good Luck on your journey...
Lost the first 10 lbs. Pre-op
on 2/15/09 5:01 am - Milford, NJ
Thank you for replying!!!  My insurance is Cigna and I have to do all of those things as well.  I just keep telling myself there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm on my way now!!!
Don't worry May will come and go and you'll be on your way to a new healthier you!!!
Good Luck to you....
on 2/13/09 6:54 am - Brick, NJ

Congratulations this will be one amazing and excited journey. The care at ALS is phenomenal and when I had seen Stephanie on Wednesday (went for my preop class) I told her they were all Saints. They are always happy to answer any questions asked.

I have met Dr Abkin at the seminar he seemed nice...Dr Iannace is new (came from the Capella group I think)  I chose Dr Bertha..he seemed straight forward and never candy coated anything..flat out at the first visit with him he told me if my patients are not going to commit to the post program and after care this surgery is useless. The surgery is 10% and the patient is 90%...the band cant do it alone... Im the kind of person that doesnt want things sugar coated...

Karla there insurance specialist is amazing..they are all great...

Good luck - this will be an amazing journey

Soon to be Bertha Bandster,

on 2/15/09 5:06 am, edited 2/15/09 5:07 am - Milford, NJ

Hi Stacey,
Love the Bertha Bandster....that's great!!!

I agree with Dr. Bertha, you have to be committed to helping yourself and using the band as a tool!!!  I've finally gotten the mind set in place for this next phase of my life.

All of the people involved with the ALS office was awesome at the seminar.  I spoke with Jessica the insurance girl and she told me exactly what I had to say when I called my ins company.  She was a dream!!

Good luck with your journey, the 24th is right around the corner, keep us posted!!!



Michelle F.
on 2/15/09 10:45 am
Congratulations on making this decision Kimi, I think you'll be so happy you did.  I love my band and I'm positive you will too!

Good luck,
Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11

on 2/16/09 5:23 am - Milford, NJ
Thank you Michelle, I'm glad you are happy with your choice.
on 2/15/09 1:33 pm

Sorry I've been scarce lately! Just wanted to say a 'YAY!!' for you! I actually never went to a seminar, but I can imagine in the 3-4 hours of info was crazy! It's also great that you feel so comfy with Dr. Abkin! That's so important (and it helps that they are the top bariatric surgeons in the state!)

Talk to you soon!

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