Im asking again ...please..

on 2/10/09 3:36 am - South Amboy, NJ
I need a pyschiatrist,I have called all over and can't find one. I can't use a pyschologist has to be a pyschiatrist.Does anybody no one that will give me a clearence letter. i have all my other letters ,this the last one I need. I left message for 20 of them and noone calls don't understand why it's so hard. i will drive anywhere.My insurnace company gave me a few names and noone gives letters...
Thanks for any help anyone can give me

Denise going crazy from South Amboy...
on 2/10/09 5:54 am - Parsippany, NJ
I am sorry you are having this issue.. but doesn't your surgeon have someone he can suggest..
He needs this for his submittal.. it would only make sense.
Most of the time we aren't having this trouble because the surgeon reccomends someone.
on 2/10/09 9:31 pm - South Amboy, NJ
I did call him and he works with 2 ,the one i was suppose to see next week but he took vacation and won't be back till the end of March and the other I called and am waiting 3 days for him to call me back.So i figured I will try and find my own but no one does the letter of clearence.
on 2/11/09 9:30 am - Lanoka Harbor, NJ
Hi Denise:  I am not sure if she is taking any new patients but you can try Dr. Shafey in Hazlet - not too far from you - 732-739-9091 - Who is your surgeon?  Good luck to you!  I used to live in Old Bridge. 

Every pound lost is a pound in the right direction.
on 2/11/09 11:38 am
Hi Denise,

Unless you have a particular history that dictates a Psychiatrist, a Psychologist will be accepeted.

Dr Mike
Michael L. Sakowitz, Ph.D. is a psychologist (NJ 35SI00148700) and member of ObesityHelp's Mental Health Board.  By posting, he makes no promises, guarantees, representations, or warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no duty or liability with regard to the information contained herein.  This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition.  No professional services are being rendered and nothing is intended to provide such services or advice of any kind.  No website or informational post can take the place of seeking professional help.  If you need professional help of any kind, please seek the services of a professional or dial 911.
on 2/13/09 2:44 am - South Amboy, NJ
Thank You Dr.Mike,
 I called my surgeon and they said I had to use a pyschiatrist. No I have no mental problems so Im not sure why this is as hard as it is. I did find one and am going monday , Im hoping he don't just take my money and not write my letter. He sounded alittle funny .I guess I'll see what happens monday. That is my last letter and I never thought I would have a problem with it so I waited till the end to do. I learned  a lesson.
Thank you again
on 2/15/09 2:26 pm
Denise -  did you try JFK Hospital?  That's were I had mine done.  My Dr. sent me there & I got  my approval from them.

let me know how you make out

on 2/17/09 3:57 am - South Amboy, NJ
Thanks Linda ,

 I found one and he took me right away,so now I just need to get all my letters togther and wait for my date..Ims o excited...
on 2/18/09 11:35 am
Good for you.  Keeps us posted as to when your surgery is.  I know how excited you are.  Don't worry now that things are moving again the time will fly by & before you know it you'll be a looser too!

Take care

on 2/23/09 4:00 am - Toms River, NJ
Dr. Priscilla Ilem, Wayne, NJ  973-628-1017
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