Shame based Avoidance Issues

Timmy R.
on 2/4/09 7:13 pm - Millinocket, ME
Hi There

I am Timmy Ray, I had surgery Laproscopically on 12/23/04  and recently celebrated 4 years.
I have lost about 300 pounds since surgery, but dealt with a lot of little set backs in the last few years that made me stop and think.

I used to feel ashamed alot before surgery...

and recently realized I have been avoiding getting back on the wagon.

I have been AVOIDING my 4th year bloodwork, mainly because I

-Dont get enough Protein
-Dont drink enough Water
-Am doing BETTER on exercise but not too much.
-And I havent taken a daily multi vitamin for about 3 monts.


Hey lets See-how-much-we-can-stray- all at once !!!

My topic?  Shame.

I think being morbidly OBESE was something that I was born into. I was heavy all my adult life, and when a gal said Hey come to NJ and sure lets get married..........5 months after surgery....... I did.

Made a lot of mistakes..........
Dealt with being **smaller** by 200 plus pounds not all that well.
Learned a lot of lessons.

At the end of my marriage
I sort of hmmmmmmmmm  

Fled?   Off to the Great white north.

Millinocket MAINE...........donchaknow..........wherer there is four feet of snow for 5 months

November to April.......... and since its now February........gee only 3 more to go !!!
Currently..........(stretches to look..)   -3 degres F.

What am I posting about this day?


Last night.... I borrowed a snowmobile....... and ran trails here for about 3 hours.   Dang near broke my neck, beat the ever living poo out of myself physically.... came home..............warmed up.........and went..........

If not for WLS surgery .........I would still be 600 plus pounds and not be able to DO this stuff.

So much is changed.   
Here on Obesity Help. 

Previous friends have disappeared with no trace of profiles..... who were those masked folks?
NEW friends I have not yet met are abounding : ))

My profile is ***missing***     gee I didnt get the memo folk lololl

FOR you new folks..........

I am in Maine but NEW Jersey Toms River / Lakewood in spirit..........I miss my people........ a royal howdy to everyone that knows me.........( all 4 of just kidding)

Nanette... I would like to sign up for later this year if you are still doing (havent been here for a little while) the...

Old Timer sharing more than X years out?   Didnt I read something about that?

Come heck or high water I am back to NJ this spring to visit.

If you are brand new...........dont be discouraged.

if anyone needs advice.................ASK. 

This is a great board.                         And I plan to try to post more.

If you are in your first year.............focus on getting..

-Getting enough protein daily

-drink lots of water.......sip sip... not gulp.

-Ask lots of questions from people that are further out.

-Get regular blood work done and follow your surgeons advice to the letter.

-Attend support groups.......................... where you can?            IT REALLY helps : )

-Take a daily multivitamin    that your surgeon and nutritionst recommends

And get gentle but regular daily if not weekly exercise

And take heart.

I share about my struggles because of the boldness and honesty that some of my long term friends a little further out have shared........... You know who you are N.  : )

And my resolve..........

after going airborne at 40 mph and screaming my blame fool head off with the joy of LIFE ...........on a snowmobile last night........

Is to straighten my WLS and life stuff OUT.

A shout out to a certain NJ Lake Hiawatha programmer Lass.......
Hugs Beautiful....... I think you are the cats meow : ))

For now sign me........

Timmy Ray with a new Resolve.
on 2/4/09 9:58 pm - Toms River, NJ
Hey Tim -- good to see you're alive, and still the same 'pithy' (LOL) guy I knew.  Yes, the OCWLS is alive and kicking -- we're still meeting in TR and Lakewood as you remember.  Lots of new faces, many old ones still around - most doing just fine, and some, including myself, battling the regain beast that inevitably hits after the 3 year post op mark if we have fallen 'ioff the wagon' on the grazing and exercise stuff.

We will probably schedule our usual Obesity Walk for late September as usual if that is what you are referring to.

Glad to see you are still fighting for yourself.

Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11

Timmy R.
on 2/4/09 10:53 pm - Millinocket, ME
Thanks Nannette
Hey guess what?
I just found out some news that I am estatic about.  I know it should not matter in life, but today I learned something that **underneath it all** I guess has affected me.

You know my past, my issues and stuffola......but guess what? Two words.

She Is Married.

Ok..thats three words.

For some reason........... a giant 50 thousand pound weight suddenly has slipped the mortal bounds, and I dont have to feel bad no more.

And I refuse to.  woo woo woo woo woo.

You know?
Ok I speak in riddles and talk to much............but...anyway.

See you in another post soon my friend.
Chao : ))))))

Timmy Ray
on 2/5/09 1:37 am - Parsippany, NJ
Timmy , you are crazy,.,, but we love you... glad to hear you  enjoying life..

I know all about straying from the plan.. and the struggle getting back in control. Good luck..
we both need it..  I don't avoid and I am not ashamed I don't follow the plan.. I just know I need to..

Life is difficult enough.. we don't need to be hard on ourselves too.. It took me a long time to learn this lesson..

Take care,
Timmy R.
on 2/5/09 2:56 am - Millinocket, ME
Donna !!
Long time no speak at !!  And all that.    How are you?

Gosh I MISS you people.
Who would have thunk it?

Yes.. yes... I am mad as a hatter.......... but loving life and rejoicing for 144 new reasons : )

Its good to see you on here,
I want BAD to come down this spring, and do the September Obesity  walk in the fall too.

Yeah I got off base for a while, but Im determined to get back on the horse.   

My health is STILL so much way better that I am a happy diabetes, no high blood pressure, no edema, No relation... woospse... thats another issue lololol.

Course what kind of health can you have at 600?   I am 340 and holding....... not great but not as bad as it was.........I was close to 380 after I .........fled to the "Great White North*

Im doing GREAT actually. 
 I met me a nice lady that is actually in NJ doncha know...
she is really nice. Havent met her yet in person 
but all things in good time.

Something about some of those Jersey Girls : ))
It is great to see you.. I will try and let people know if when and such I get to JERSEY.

By the way did I mention 4 feet of snow and -10 degrees?      Maine.......gotta... hmmmmmm...
When In a snow mobile I SAY : )

Hugs Donna...........great to see you.
Thanks for the shout out.

And.........good luck and Godspeed to you too. I am mostly hanging in there ........see my doc tomorrow and made up my mind...........

Fifty Four Forty or fight.... no no that is not it...
Give me Blood work or give me ...yeah..yeah thats it : )

So gonna take the blood work challenge and find out exactly where I need to change.
Each step.... what did that steps?  What about Bob?  Naw.......I can do betta....

"Grasshoppa, when you can walk the the length of the ricepapper without leaving a trace, THEN you will be ready to leave the Temple**...
-- Kung Fu  1970s sometime....

I think I have finally over compensated with TOO MUCH diet Mt dew.
de fizzed...... I have my own process to take the bubbles out.

but I AM drinking more water..........*(solemn nod)

Talk to you later Donna : )

Respectfully Submitted

Timmy Ray the Maine Wanna be shoulin guy

that wishes he was IN FREAKING NEW Jersey........ pining over old Soprano re runs going
HEY I know that ol Hudson valley...... and stuff....

Why are all of the tall, good looking IRISH girls in New Jersey?
on 2/5/09 4:23 am - Parsippany, NJ
Hmmm... I don't know.. I am not Irish.. but ...
my question is where are all the single descent looking men... Height not required but would be nice.

Where is your girl you are looking to meet.. Lake Hiawatha.. that is part of Parsippany.. maybe I know her.. I'll put in some good words for you.. should I run into her..
Soprano's  come back to Jersey and this time up North by Morris and Essex county and you can live it..

Good Luck Timmy..

Timmy R.
on 2/5/09 4:37 am - Millinocket, ME
Heyya Donna.

Well I mention Sopranos only because its only show I get up here with regular NJ scenes at ALL.  that I know of?

As for the ID.. outting..........disclosure ??


You going tonight to Toms River?

I just cant get into my work today for some reason....... hence the wildman posting here on the board.  I work from home but man it feels like friday.

Only 10 more articles on Mens Health to write....... 4000 words.....due by...oh yeah.

Oh well. : /

Maybe it was the wild late afternoon dark snow mobile run...........dunno?

Hugs Donna.  

Talk to you soon : )
If she says its okay I will email you her nick and name k?

I WILL ask ; )

as always
Dah Timster
Timmy Ray

PS    I am 6 foot 2 inches tall but all the ladies in our group always see me as like their big brother yah know?   So had to go **outside the Clan** : )    I sure miss everyone........I look forward to coming back fer a visit and I am excited about maybe moving back to New Jersey.
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