Bob Murath
on 2/2/09 9:09 pm - Ocean, NJ
       WOW!   I can't believe it!!....This past Saturday marked the 2 year anniversary of my surgery....Time has passed so quickly, and things have been so smooth (relatively anyway)..... What an unbelievable feeling....I am in the best health & physical condition of my life.....At 47 I am doing things I never thought I'd do again since my 20's.....To the members of OCWLS I have each and every one of you to thank for my success....The support and advice I've gotten have been such a great help, I dont know where I'd be without you all. I was headed down a long dangerous road, yet a short road to certain disaster. I hope in some way I can repay you all in some way, some day.
        As for anyone else *****ads this that doesn't know me, please allow me to "pay it forward".....I owe it to each and every one of you who needs the advice and support of a person who's been there and done that, to help you. It is a long Journey, but well worth it with the proper guidance. I feel that its my priveledge & responsibility to provide any help I can, the way it was passed to me, and the way I am sure you will pass your success on to the next generation of "losers". 

                  Good Luck! and feel free to contact me anytime.
                                                                                                                                     ~Bob Murath
on 2/2/09 10:33 pm - Toms River, NJ
Congrats Bob -- glad to have had the opportunity to spend the last two years getting to know you!  See you on Friday at the meeting.


Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11

on 2/2/09 10:50 pm - manchester, NJ
hey bob

congratulations on your two year surgiversary.  you look awesome and its always good to see a success story.

keep up the good work and hope to see you at a meeting one day, im kinda laid up now i was in a nasty accident in DEcember.  i miss seeing everyone and have basically been using this board for support since getting out is really difficult for me right now.

hope life has settled down for you in other areas. 

be safe and well





on 2/3/09 6:42 am - washington, NJ
Happy 2nd surgiversary Bob

 Goal is 165 or thigh high boots whichever comes first

Happy to be in

on 2/3/09 8:34 am
Happy Surgerversary!!!!

Some days your the dog and some days your the hydrant.

Connie M.
on 2/6/09 7:00 am - Summerfield, FL
Hi Bob,
I only go on the NJ board occasionally so it was nice to see your picture there.  I cannot believe its been 2 years.  Congratulations, you did a wonderful job and you look terrific.  I hope everything else is going well and you have adjusted to your new life.  My surgiversary will be on the 22nd of this month.  It's been a long journey and I am so happy and content with my new "bod".  Peopl here in FL are not aware of what I looked like and when they see the "before" photo they are aghast!!!  I lost 86 lbs. and am happy with the results.
P.S.  John says hi and happy surgiversary.

Hugs, Connie 






on 2/7/09 6:17 am
I just had my 2 year surgiversary as well! I feel great physically (for the most part) and have lost about 147 pounds. 
This is the best thing in my life right now as I've recently been downsized from my job and my marriage is pretty much over as well. But at least I'm skinny!
on 2/8/09 7:59 pm
Congratulations on your milestone!!!!



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