3 weeks out and the sky has fallen in

on 1/3/09 11:23 am - East Windsor, NJ
I'm down 33 lbs since the surgery and am having no problems. However, my husband and biggest supporter for the surgery died suddenly the day after Christmas--just 2 weeks after my surgery. He had been sick for years with a chronic and ultimately terminal disease... but it was still a terrible shock. I'm struggling right now, I have to remind myself to eat and drink water and I'm just kind of going thru the motions... and I'm not doing any exercises, not even walking. I know I have to get back on track, but everything right now is just too overwhelming. I have an appt. with Dr. Noyan on Jan. 20th and I will tell him then what's happened. I just don't want to sabotage my recovery because Bruce would be very upset if he knew I wasn't doing everything I was supposed to do.

Sheraine has been so supportive and so have many of her friends from the First Saturday Support Group. I am planning on driving up for the meeting on January 10th because I really need to connect with others. It will be a hike from East Windsor, I know... but my doctor's group only meets once a month and I really need to  be with people right now. If anyone knows of any support groups in the Mercer County area, please let me know.

I'm coping ok with Bruce's passing... some days are good and some are just a disaster. It's really comforting to come here and read everyone's posts and get out of my own head for a while.
on 1/3/09 8:19 pm - manchester, NJ
good morning

im so sorry about the loss of your husband, even though you say he has been ill, it is still a terrible shock to lose someone you love at any time.

i understand how you are struggling, your emotions must be on such a rollercoaster.

dr. noyan was also my surgeon, i had surgery with him the summer of 2006. 

i do know that as you work through your grief, you do need to do at least the basics to keep yourself healthy post surgery.  most importantly get in your fluids.  as to eating make yourself a plan and say at 9 am i must eat this, and then at 12 pm i must have that.  maybe if you structure a eating and drinking grid it will get you thru the next few weeks.

again, im so sorry for your loss and good luck with your weight loss future.  i was hoping to get a group going in the south jersey area, but i was in a bad 3 car accident a few weeks ago, and will not be able to put any weight on my foot for about 3 months.  i was going to a group in toms river, but cant do that for now either.  so keep posting, cause this forum is my link to the outside world right now

hugs, be safe and well, jacki



on 1/3/09 8:32 pm - Asbury Park, NJ
I'm so sorry to hear about your husbands passing, death at any time always comes too soon. My sister passed away from ovarian cancer after a five year battle, and all I could say when we got the call was no not yet.  My heart is with you and your family.
Please don't try and rush things, give yourself some time. You must be in such termoil right now. If you can't take a day day then take an hour or minute, and build from there.  Maybe posting a schedule for your self will take some of the burden of having to remember to do this or that.
Please feel free to email me if there is anything I can do for you. I'm in Asbury Park, but I work in Hamilton. Where is the meeting on the 10th? I've been looking to go to a support group but didn't find one just yet.

Keep your eye on the prize, Violet!!
Eye on the prize!

on 1/3/09 9:09 pm - East Windsor, NJ
Dr. Noyan has a group that meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 6-8 pm at the RWJ Health & Wellness Center on Quakerbridge Road in Hamilton. The group on the 10th is at the RWJ Health & Wellness Center in Scotch Plains. It starts at 10:30 and then some of the people stay for lunch afterwards. Look on the board for postings from Sheri or Sheraine--she's kind of the point person.

I am going to make myself a schedule and I'm just going to force myself to follow it for the time being, including exercise. It will be hard, because I have no energy and no motivation. All I want to do is sit in his chair and stare at the computer screen... and that's not healthy., I know 

on 1/3/09 9:02 pm - East Windsor, NJ
Hi, Jacki.
Making a schedule is a good idea. I will do that. I read about your car accident and I'm so sorry for you but glad that you will be OK. It would be great to get a group going in this area... maybe this spring or summer when we are both in a better place physically and emotionally. I'm in East Windsor, but I work in Princeton, so if there is anything I can do for you while you are recuperating, please don't hesitate to let me know -- and I mean that.  My personal e-mail is [email protected]

on 1/4/09 1:36 am - NJ
I am so sorry to hear about your husband.  As far as your post surgery protocol is concerned, if I were you I would concentrate on making sure you get enough protein and water in and are taking all your vitamins.  In my opinion exercise can wait until you are ready to deal with it and getting your nutrition in at this point is the most important thing.  Again, I am sorry for your loss.

(deactivated member)
on 1/4/09 2:47 am - NJ
I'm very sorry to hear of your husbands passing.  I can relate to that and I know it is a very hard time - even if it was eventually expected.  It still comes as a shock.

It is so important - especially as early out as you are - to keep up with protein & water & eating right.  As difficult as it may seem right now, I think keeping how Bruce wanted you to succeed can help you.  He will always be with you in your heart and make you strong.

Good Luck in your journey and keep in mind that you will always have supporters here on the NJ board - no matter what you need support for - just ask.

on 1/4/09 4:52 am - East Windsor, NJ
Thanks to everyone who posted and for the suggestions to make a schedule. I did one up today after church. Right now, having a routine is probably the best thing I can do for myself. Thanks again to everyone. You are the best.

on 1/4/09 6:59 am - fanwood, NJ
Hi Nancy,

There are no words to express my very deep condolensces.  I can't begin to imagine what you're going through and I'm not even sure I could handle it.

I will keep you in my prayers for the courage to get through this very sad time and the strength to take care of yourself.
Cheryl        Lap RNY 12/22/08

on 1/4/09 9:54 am - Denville, NJ
so sorry to hear about your husband.  No more words of wisdom, everyone had such good suggestions.  Just wanted to say thinking of you.
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