5 Days Post-Op: I Have Some Questions!

(deactivated member)
on 1/3/09 5:24 am - NJ
Hey Fellow Jersey Dwellers,

First off, I am truly amazed att the body's ability heal itself.  Only a God in heaven could've orchestrated such an intricate instrument!  Each day post-op has been hard, but each has been better than the one before.  For that, I am incredibly grateful!  (Thank You Father!)

Secondly, I have some questions!

1.)  When you first came home from the hospital, did you find that one side of your trunk took longer to bounce back than the other?  My right side seems to be healing (i.e. less sore) at a much faster rate than the left.  Why is that?


2.)  When you were on full liquids, which foods did NOT agree with you initially?  How did you handle that?  Did you keep trying that particular food, hoping that you'd get reaccustomed to it?  Or did you just scratch it off your list altogether?


3.)  What other hurdles do you remember facing during your first 2 weeks post-op?

Thanks in advance for your help. 

on 1/3/09 7:41 am - manchester, NJ
hi and congrats on your surgery

yes i hurt more on one side than the other for a long time, not sure why, but eventually it went away.

i ate so little in the beginning, i drank, water, hot tea with splenda, isopure protein drinks in fruit flavors which i did not like.  i was able to do carnation sf instant breakfast, but plain milk worked best for me.  i used skim plus and still use it.  if something did not agree with me, i just put it aside and tried it again after a few weeks.  we are all different with this though, so there is a lot of trial and error involved.

the biggest hurdles i had, were the bathroom thingy, first i had the runs and then i became ohhhhhhhhhhh so constipated, sorry if TMI.

also, my sense of smell was way off, everything smelled bad to me, i even felt as if my body smelled, which hubby said was not the case.  that cleared up but for me it took awhile, i would say into my second month before that eased up.  but because of that, food did not appeal at all, cause everything smelled off to me

but better days were ahead, and i wish them for you too

hugs, be safe and well, jacki



(deactivated member)
on 1/3/09 8:12 am - NJ
Not TMI at all... I'm right there with you on the 'bathroom thingy'.    My sense of smell is totally off!  OMG - and the paranoia about body odor, I THINK THE SAME THING!!!  My smells are not the same at all.  I can't wait til that eases up.

Thanks for the well wishes!
on 1/3/09 8:00 am - Denville, NJ
My incision on the lower left side took a while to heal.  I think the dr said the bigest instruments went in there.  For  a  while i had pain there.  It gets better, don't worry.
Give your self time to try new foods.  Don't try more than one new one a day.  bland things, cream of wheat, really watery oatmeal, try protien drinks of all kinds until you find one you can stand.
Also keep hydrated!  Jackie is right, the constipation can sneak up on you.  All f the vitamins and the high protien can bring you to a crashing halt.  It happened to me. If something doesn't agree with you, if is a food you feel you need to eat, wait a few weeks and try again. 
And again keep pushing fluids!!!!
Good luck, we are moving over on the "losers" bench!
(deactivated member)
on 1/3/09 8:14 am - NJ

Will do Laura!  Thanks for the words of wisdom and well wishes!
on 1/3/09 8:46 pm - Asbury Park, NJ
I'm 13 days out as of today. Yep it gets better. My first few day were really tough, so much so I went back to Dr thinking something was wrong. There wasn't, I just pulled something in my side. Stick with slow and often when drinking. Isopure was truly my life saver. I'm a vegetarian and am allergic to artificial sweeteners.

Keep your eye on the prize, Violet!!
Eye on the prize!

(deactivated member)
on 1/3/09 11:03 pm - NJ
I'm gonna have to take you at your word on this.  Today when I woke up, the thought of another day of this made me break down & cry.  I don't even want to get out of bed.

I'm praying it gets easier.
on 1/7/09 10:37 am
Hi -  I was one of the lucky ones, the only pain I had was the night of the surgery which was all gas pains.  Once I passed the gas (yes both ends) I felt fine.  I went home the next morning & just took things slow.  Of course don't lift anything heavy because your insides still need time to heal.  My surgery was on a Monday, came home Tuesday & was out & about by Thursday.

As for the food.... drink the liquids according to what your Dr. told you.  Plus make sure to get in the protein drinks.  It is very important to get all the protein in.  It helps in your healing & all around well being.    Once you can eat semi-sold foods & when you move onto solid foods, it is all trial & error.  What you like today may turn your stomach tomorrow & vice-verse.  Some foods you'll never want again.  My biggest one is Tuna Fish.  I loved it & had it at least 3 X a week, now the smell of it makes me ill.

As the weight keeps dropping off, you're going to be so happy you won't even think about the foods you can no longer have or tolerate.  Welcome to the loosing side!!!!

keep us posted on how your doing.

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