
on 1/2/09 6:07 am - Denville, NJ
Ok everyone
My new years resolutiion is not to snack on things I shouldn't.
Now that the holidays are over it will be easier.

What do you snack on?
I made lemon microwave protien cake from Michelle/Eggfaces blog. n+cake
I am trying to incorporate veggies and fruits into my diet so those are possibilities.
It is hard to stay away from carbs.

Any suggestions?
Danielle B.
on 1/2/09 9:25 pm - Hamburg, NJ
I wish I was a little more helpful...but I am waiting for others to respond too so I can get some suggestions.  I can't believe how easy it was to snack on bad things over the holidays!  Why can't I be one of those people who throws up when they eat sugar???? lol
Anyway, I know Vicki feels my pain too...we are so similar in how our bodies reacted to this is just too easy for me to eat whatever I want.  But the weight is still coming off...but I know too well that won't always be the I want to nip it in the bud right now!!!!
on 1/3/09 7:54 am - manchester, NJ
well i dont want to preach, cause i have my weaknesses too, as we all do

but, i wont eat anything resembling regular cake, cookies or sweets.  i only eat sf chocolate, or atkins bars, or murrays sugar free cookies if i want a treat

i basically dont eat, rice or pasta, sometimes there is some in a frozen meal, but i leave most of it.

i also rarely eat bread, i keep crackers around and they seem to work for me, and when i do eat bread, its usually like the crust off some italian bread just for that taste of bread and butter.

i do snack on dried fruit, which while high in natural sugars, give me that sugar punch that i sometimes need, mostly raisins, although i do dried apricots sometimes as well.  they seem to also keep me from getting constipated.

nuts are a snack i enjoy, trying to cut back there though, i find them addictive.

even with these restrictions, im hungrier now than i was 2.5 years ago, and the bottom line is i have to watch every day what i put into that big mouth of mine.

now since my accident i cant even weigh myself cause i cant stand on my injured foot, and that is driving me slowly crazy.  hubby says im hardly eating so i guess im ok.

oh, i also snack on kashi high protein cereal, dry,  sometimes, i like the crunch and some of them are pretty high in protein 9 - 13 grams and they are good fiber sources also

be safe and well, jacki



Sheri A.
on 1/4/09 9:28 am
Snacks I enjoy are: sf pudding with cool whip, jello with fruit (crushed pineapple, cranberries made with splenda, cut up apple and nuts), yogurt with nuts and flaxseed, 100 calorie microwave popcorn, sf hard candy (be careful of the sugar alcohols), soy chips (individual bags or count out the portion), sf cheesecake. I am a carboholic too and it's an easy thing to eat and grab!
on 1/5/09 12:20 am - NJ


I always have peanut around and murray sf cookies... sometimes you just have to have the sugar. I'm not a dumper (very upsetting) so it is very easy to fall off the wagon.

Another thing that i like is Edamame on the pods, i steam them, add a little salt and sit and enjoy. I like the Kashi bars and i'm i absolutely love popcorn.

hope it helps.




Starting weight 276/Current Weight 168/Goal Weight 170

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