
on 12/28/08 10:34 am

A few months ago I went to see Dr. O in hopes of getting weight loss surgery. I went to all the testing that he ordered. However, I was discouraged because I thought that I didn't meet the criteria for surgery (I have a BMI of approx 36.9). So I never went back to the Doctor, as I felt it was a waste of time.

Not being able to lose weight during this time, I reached out to his office again. The receptionist said that the nurse would look over my file and my test results from before. She called me back and asked me if I would come back in for a re-evaluation.

What does this mean? Woult they call me back in if I wasn't a candidate?

If I turn out to be a candidate, how much longer would the wait be since I had the testing done already? In regard to insurance, I have Amerihealth...has anyone had any problems with getting approved?

Sorry...but I have lots of questions and high hopes of having the surgery!

Happy New Year to all!!!


Diane C.
on 12/29/08 4:08 am - NJ
There are a lot of things that can make you a candidate for surgery.  You haven't said whether you have co-morbidities or not, but I know that plays a part in it when they are looking at the big picture.  BMI is not the only factor or criteria.  I don't know about your insurance company as they are all different as well.  Your best bet is to go back to the doctor's office as requested and make a list of the questions you have so that you can ask them during the visit.  I believe the test results are good for one year from date of administration of the test for many of the required tests, but that may also depend upon the surgeon.  Good luck on your journey.

Highest 316/ Pre Op 307/ Current 215 / Goal 130

on 12/29/08 6:31 am
Thank you for your response. Aside from having acid refulx, I am not aware of any other co-morbidities unless something showed up in the test results.

I can only hope that when I go back to him he says that I am in fact a candidate.

Thank you again.

on 12/31/08 12:35 am - Parsippany, NJ
you know dr's have a way of making the insurance company think you are dieing and disabled..
You should have read the description of me the dr sent to the insurance company.. I had things I didn't even know I had. But co morbidities are really the factors to consider..
are you pre-diabetic.. boardline HBP.. gerd, arthritic, depression.. there are so many other factors that we as patients don't even realize are conditions.
Listen to what they have to say..
Good Luck to you!

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