drinking/eating/headaches...am I getting enough?

on 11/25/08 5:33 am - Jersey City, NJ
Hi all, I had gastric bypass 4 weeks ago today.  I am at the stage where I should be eating soft, mushy foods.  For me not the easiest thing.  I have been getting headaches on a off for a few days now.  I am wondering if I am getting enough of anything.  I don't feel hungry at all for the most part.  Which is great.  I just feel that I am going to do something to screw this up so soon after my surgery.   I am not fond of flavored waters.....so I pretty much live on regular water all day everyday.  Sometimes I will throw a lemon in just to flavor it.  But to be able to drink 64 oz of calorie free liquids a day is a stretch for me.  How do I get past this issue I am having.  I know I am probably all over the place with my questions & I apologize. 
I do go back to see the dr & for an appointment with the dietician next Monday.  I will have questions for them as well. 
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated. 

on 11/25/08 9:16 am - NJ

I remember when i was about 4 weeks post-op. i was nauseous to water. so my suggestion to you is try different drinks, you can do:

    8 oz protein (breakfast)

    8 oz water about snack  time

    8 oz crystal light ****d tea, lemonade, orange, etc) 

    8 oz of sugar free hawaiian punch (sold at walmart)

    8 oz water with lemon and splenda (this was the only thing that worked for me)

    8 oz chicken soup (dinner)

    8 oz skim milk

My best suggestion is keep it different. An you are probably getting headaches because you are dehidrated. It is difficult but you can do it.

Much love,





Starting weight 276/Current Weight 168/Goal Weight 170

on 11/25/08 9:23 am - Denville, NJ

Mushy foods:  cream of whea****ery oatmeal, sugar free pudding, refried beans, creamed soups(no big chunks) scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese(warm in microwave with a little tom sauce and mozz cheese)

You need to eat. Are you eating at all?  You need to keep trying food, an oz or 2 at a time.

Keep hydrated.  Anything not cafinated. Decaf iced tea, my nut said sugar free hot chocolate.
It does get easier. Keep liquid to drink with you at all times.  Keep drinking.  The vitamins we take can cause constipation so keep drinking.

Eat at mealtime even if you are not hungry.

hang in there.  it gets easier!  Really!

on 11/26/08 5:27 am - Jersey City, NJ

I have been able to eat oatmeal at breakfast, as well as rice krispies.  That is fine....I drink water throughout the whole day.  I will occasionally have a cup of tea.  But that is as far as I go. I also someyimes add a lemon to my water, but I dont always do so on account of the acid. 

I do eat sugar free pudding, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese ( I had to buy the whipped one, the small/ large curds were not sitting well).  Ricotta cheese doesn't bother me.  I have made a meat loaf and put it in the chopper till it was soft as anything.  That doesn't bother me. 
There is not much else that I am comfortable eating.  Last night I had some soup and I will say I was up way past 3 am because of pains in my stomach.

A typical menu for me is: (4 oz a meal & 2 oz snack 2 X a day)

Breakfast: oatmeal. rice krispies, or a scrambled egg

snack: (not always) rice pudding or sugar free pudding

lunch: cottage cheese or soup

dinner: whatever we make and I will chop it up: whether it be chicken, turkey chili, meatloaf.  mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes.

snack: (not always) rice pudding or sugar free pudding.

I am going to talk to the dr when I see him this Monday coming up. 
I feel like when I get there and get on the scale I am going to be disappointed that I didn't do well in the last 3 weeks. 

Thank you......


on 11/25/08 11:11 pm, edited 11/25/08 11:12 pm
Hi Chris,

I does sound like you need more fluids and more protien

Keep this in mind....if you are not feeling better reach ut to your Doc, remember it is a holiday weekend

Good Luck

Dr Mike
Michael L. Sakowitz, Ph.D. is a psychologist (NJ 35SI00148700) and member of ObesityHelp's Mental Health Board.  By posting, he makes no promises, guarantees, representations, or warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no duty or liability with regard to the information contained herein.  This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition.  No professional services are being rendered and nothing is intended to provide such services or advice of any kind.  No website or informational post can take the place of seeking professional help.  If you need professional help of any kind, please seek the services of a professional or dial 911.
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