OMG Tuesday (25th) is my day

on 11/23/08 9:16 am - West Long Branch, NJ

For so long my surgery date seemed so far away, it's hard to believe that I am now two days away....... WOW!!!  So I go in Tuesday morning and I'm told I'm there till Friday.  I  know chapstick is a must, anyone else have any suggestions on what I should bring to the hospital.  I'll bring my chapstick, i-pod, slippers, robe with pockets to put my i-pod in, my cell phone/charger and that's pretty much it.  I figure I'll wear home what I wore to the hospital. O.....M.....G......  

on 11/23/08 9:22 am - manchester, NJ

good luck to you with your surgery.  soon you will be on the losers bench with all of us, how awesome is that.

and the bonus, you dont have to worry about turkey day this year

hugs, be safe and well, post soon as you can




(deactivated member)
on 11/23/08 10:49 am - NJ
Good Luck with your surgery!    What a great thing to be thankful for - the start of a wonderful, scary, wonderful, strange, wonderful journey!  Did I say wonderful?   

Anyway, don't worry much about what to bring, you have the basics - just remember the basics of the first few days - walk whenever possible and once you start to drink - sip slowly but keep sipping!

Good Luck & Happy Thanksgiving!

on 11/23/08 11:43 am - Denville, NJ
good luck
walk as soon as you can-it helps the gas
on 11/23/08 11:36 pm - West Long Branch, NJ
thanks for all the well wishes and comments.  I can't believe I'm not nervous yet, I guess it will kick in in the morning.  See you all on the losers bench.

on 11/24/08 4:26 am - Chesterfield, NJ

Good Luck!  I'll be thinking of you.  My surgery is on Wednesday (Lap Band)  I'm starting to get a little nervous & excited!  Mostly nervous about recovery.  But this website has really been a huge help!  I realize that everyone experiences the procedure differently so I think I'm prepared for just about anything.  Have a quick and healthy recovery!

Danielle B.
on 11/24/08 9:35 am - Hamburg, NJ
Best of Luck on this wonderful new journey Jaculin!!!
Remember that everyone here is here for you too!  We always answer any questions and try to help you with any concerns you feel free to blog away!!!!
If you have a can use it in the blog on OH!!!  My laptop helped me pass the time big time...

can't wait to hear how you made out....Best Wishes to you!!!!

on 11/24/08 6:09 pm - West Long Branch, NJ
Hello all, well it's a little after 5am and Ihave to be at the hospital by 6.  Up until this point I wasn't nervous, just excited.  Well now I'm a basket of nerves lol.  I'm excited but my heart in beating a mile a minute.  Soon as I have access to a computer and I'm feeling up to it I'll let you know how I'm doing.........

on 11/25/08 4:10 am - union, NJ
Im a newbie and just wanted to send ya some love.  Me have first seminar of 12/11/08. Blessings Ann
on 12/1/08 1:20 am, edited 12/1/08 1:20 am - West Long Branch, NJ
So here I am just about a week out and I feel fantastic.  It really was not a difficult surgery or recovery for me.  Everything went well during surgery, taking about an hour and a half.  The roughest part for me was on Thursday morning when I felt a little nauseous and ended up getting sick twice but I felt so much better after that.  I was getting in and out of bed on my own.  Not much in the pain department, mostly discomfort in the belly, like doing a million situps lol.  Came home on Friday.  I find that I have to stop myself from doing too much, I am totally amazed at how quickly I am bouncing back.  Hope everyone has this same sort of experience with surgery.  Take care....

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