Hi Everyone....

on 11/19/08 8:42 am - South Amboy, NJ
Hi Everyone,
   How are you all? It got cold fast...Well I went to see Dr Ducheine in East Orange today and he is a wonderful doctor. He has a sense of humor, he is not bad to look at and he explains everything to you. He does alittle "seminar" ,like a group meeting, and he explains the pros and cons,he explains both surgerys, he said something I didnt know. Out of the 300 patients he did the surgery on that had spouses/or live -ins before they got the surgery only 10 patients are with that person. He told us to watch out that our sex drive goes from 0-10 in 3.5 seconds....He did explain alot of how you feel after the surgery. He tells you so very much but since I had all you to talk to I knew alot and I have my brother to help me too.

 With my insurance I have to wait another 3 months before I can get a date.You have to see lots of doctors,one scares me is the endiscopy,Does everyone have to do that and is it painful? Well Im excited and anxious. Im starting my phone calls tomorrow since I need 6 letters from all these doctors. Thanks my friends and please stick around I will have lots of questions for you all.

on 11/19/08 10:03 am - Denville, NJ
I have one piece of advice for you ....while you are preparing for surgery start getting used to drinking 64 oz or more of uncaffinated fluid a day.  And start upping your fiber intake with quality carbs like whole grains.  Many rny people suffer from constipation that can be quite awful, myself included.  Many many posts on the main rny message board deal with it.  Get used to the fluids.  i get them in now but didn't at first and have paid dearly.  Not that I regret surgery, but i wish i had takien the dr and nut's advice about fluid more seriosly.
:-) Laura
on 11/19/08 10:08 am - South Amboy, NJ
Thank You Laura, I will start now,I know its hard,when i did all that dieting and everyone stresses water ,water ,water. WHy is water so hard to drink...lol... What else is good to drink? Anybody have any suggestions?
on 11/19/08 10:20 am - Denville, NJ
Anything without caffine..crystal light, decaf tea(my favorite), sugar free hot chocolate( i buy protien ones or add choc protien to the swiss miss sugar free), herbal tea

ask Vicki and Danielle
I am the fluid and fiber queen now
on 11/20/08 11:34 am
Hi Denise -  you're on your way!!!  No the endiscopy does not hurt.  You'll be put out for it.  They need to check your stomach to make sure you don't have an ucler or anything prior to the surgery.  Don't be surprised if your gastro Dr. wants to do a colonascopy as well, mine did.  But don't worry that does not hurt either. It is a lot of test but well worth it.  just think how healthy you are going to be when this is all said & done. My test flew by 1 right after the other.  The hardest thing for me was having to drink the 'forbidden" drinks to clean you out before the colonascopy & the day before your surgery.  DO NOT LEAVE HOME ONCE YOU START TO DRINK THEM!!!!

You'll be just fine & joining the loosing team before you know it.

Any questions just ask, we've all been there or know someone who has.

Take care

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