Considering revision from band to bypass...

(deactivated member)
on 11/16/08 11:11 am - NJ
Hi all...I am 1 year post op with the lap band and am down 57 lbs..I have had multiple problems with the band, nothing life threatening but the problems have really caused my success to be limited....I am discussing a revision to gastric bypass (which I probably should have had first considering the amount of weight I need to lose) but I am petrified. I have been researching the bypass surgery for about 4 months now and think I'm ready to move forward but I'm still fighting off the reservations and I think most of them are just from fear.....I was wondering if any of the people here that have had bypass would mind sharing some of the problems, if any, they faced with the bypass...I think the band is a wonderful tool so I"m not bashing it at all but I think the band and I just aren't the right combination for this journey.....
I appreciate any feed back I can get......
Thanks so much!!
on 11/16/08 9:30 pm - NJ
(Knocking wood).  I have had no problems with my RNY and am thrilled with it.  I have already lost 144 pounds.  That being said there are some people who have had problems.  Melting Momma is one person off the top of my head who has had issues.  That being said any of the surgeries carries a certain amount of risk.  Have you investigated the DS?  If not, I would suggest that you look into the DS before you have a second surgery.  There is a DS forum on this site.  You want to make sure you know all the facts before you make your choice.  Look at the surgeries and then think about which one best fits your eating habits and what you may or may not want to change.

on 11/16/08 11:44 pm
I've seen many patients do very well with the second operation.  Since you have been through surgery for weight loss already your expectations will be more appropriate now.  Good luck, remember go to support groups and start to exercise! 

Dr Mike
Michael L. Sakowitz, Ph.D. is a psychologist (NJ 35SI00148700) and member of ObesityHelp's Mental Health Board.  By posting, he makes no promises, guarantees, representations, or warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no duty or liability with regard to the information contained herein.  This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition.  No professional services are being rendered and nothing is intended to provide such services or advice of any kind.  No website or informational post can take the place of seeking professional help.  If you need professional help of any kind, please seek the services of a professional or dial 911.
on 11/17/08 9:35 am - Bloomfield, NJ
What is "DS" surgery?  I had lap band on 9/9 and to date have lost about 25lbs.  My doctor and I discussed both surgeries (RNY & LB) and since I wanted the most minimally invasive procedure we went with LB.  Not that I am disappointed, but I still have at least another 75-100 lbs to go and am now second guessing my decision to go LB.

Maybe I am setting up a false expectation for myself.
on 11/17/08 11:24 am - Howell, NJ
Hi Lorraine,
I had my lap band removed on 6/30/08 and RNY done same day by Dr. Jean-Baptiste.  I had lap band place 4/24/06 and had lots of problems; originally in the hospital for 6 days after lap band, vomiting saliva, doc had to go in and loosen band via endoscopy; was always very tight and unable to eat most solids, then esophageal dilitation after 14 months.  Doc suggested switching to RNY and I tried valiantly to get by with the band, but was unable to make it work for me.  I lost 120 lbs with the band, gained back 40+ after unfill, and lost 10 before having RNY revision.  I am down about 40 lbs since the RNY and am losing slowly, but feel so much better and I am able to eat much healthier now.  My personal opinion is the Lap band is good if you have less than 100lbs to lose, RNY is for those who need to lose more than 100lbs and shut down diabetes.  Good Luck.
Sheri A.
on 11/22/08 12:13 pm
I had RNY in Nov. of 06 and I think the main reason I chose this over lapband was because I wanted to get the weight off quickly and I knew of people with the band that lost only 1 lb. a week. If I wanted to lose 1 lb. a week, I didn't need surgery to do it. I wanted to "dump" after eating improper foods and I wanted restrictions...I had heard you can "manipulate" your band. I don't regret at all having RNY, it took me about 8 months to get to goal and one year to get to my lowest weight. I have now stabilized and trying desperately to keep it off. If you want to lose quickly, RNY is the way to go!
on 12/3/08 4:27 am - NJ
If you are considering a revision, you owe it to yourself to investigate a duodenal switch.   It has the best results with respect to EWL, resolution of comorbid conditions and resistance to long-term regain.  I had a lap-band and recently had it removed and the first part of the DS performed. (Vertical sleeve gastrectomy).   The fact that your pyloris is preserved helps you avoid many of the problems associated with the RNY - dumping, marginal ulcers, etc.  Check out the DS board.   There are  a lot of people with excellent summaries of the medical literature.  Having had the band, I would not recommend it to anyone.    I think the Swiss just came to that conclusion and dropped support for it from their national healthcare system.  

Best of Luck whatever you decide.

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