Todays Appt...
Was wonderful! I met with Dr Brolins team, the nutritionist, the financial coodinator, the assistant and of course, himself. I brought a list of questions with me and we went over all of them. My insurance requires 3 consecutive months of a supervised diet. Dr Brolin has an awesome nutritionist and todays visit counted as one session, so I need to see her 2 more times over the next 2 months.
I am also required to have a psych eval, which is no big deal to me. He prescribed an H. Pylori test and a gallbladder ultrasound. I will get those done asap and my PCP needs to send a letter of medical clearance. Once all those steps are completed, I can have my surgery. We opted for gastric bypass and my tentative surgery date is January 21. Now I know it seems all went smooth, but I am also realistic and do not expect it to go as smoothly with the insurance company, lol. Although they did say, as long as the requirements are met, there shouldn't be a problem, we shall see. I look forward to beginning my journey to good health and to getting to know you all. Thanks for your advice and support.
congrats on getting started
i see you live in toms river. we have an awesome and free peer to peer support group that meets the first Friday of every month at community medical center at 7 pm. there is also a satellite group which is a bit smaller that meets at Kimball Medical Center the third monday of the month. that happens to be this coming monday the 2oth. if you are interested message me and i can fill u in on the details.
there is always a post on the board from nanette reminding everyone of this meeting. its already there for this month if you are interested
good luck with your journey its awesome
if you have any questions feel free to contact me
hugs and be safe and well, jacki