Me Normal? X-Post from RNY Board
Wow just did my BMI and cannot believe it, but my weight is now in the normal range. I began with a goal of 130 which I have not seen since I was 11 and felt I would be very happy at that weight. My doctor agreed this was a reasonable expectation, and now I have passed below it.
The changes are amazing in my health I am off ALL medication except vitamins, no CPAP, can actually walk up two flights of stairs and still breath, and so much more. Even the hair loss has stopped, boy do I love my RNY!!!! I wear a size 6 comfortably and have even picked up a few things in the juniors department (I could not shop in juniors even when I was one). I love the way I feel and look and I refuse to make a new weight goal. If I stopped today and never lost another pound that would be just fine with me.
Now I will be entering an even more difficult journey. To think and to keep everything I have learned since surgery in the forefront of my mind so that as I leave the honeymoon behind I can build walls and a roof that will set on the strong foundation I have begun. I know I am rambling but before I stop I just want to say thank you thank you, thank you to everyone here at OH. Even if we never spoke or answered one another’s posts I learned so much from everyone here and just being able to come hear and read about others who have had the same problems and fighting the same battles is and will continue to be such a source of strength and support to me. I truly do not know if I would have even continued this journey after my first insurance denial if it was not for the wonderful people here!!
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. -Eleanor Roosevelt-
Congratulations again and good luck on maintainig!!!!!