Unsupportive Family
I just found this post and had to respond. As others have said, don't discuss it with them. You need people who will support you. This is no easy decision you're making. If they won't encourage you and cheer you on, the heck with them. You're ahead of the game having a husband who is supportive. Immediately post-op that's all you'll need. My husband was supportive until I got home. Then I was on my own. My mom was scared. Mainly because they'd almost lost me when I was small and people told her over and over (my husband had the big mouth and told EVERYONE I was doing it) what a HUGE mistake and I could die and yada yada yada. My Dad secretly cheered me on. He's battled his weight forever so he knew where I was coming from. Mom? Weighed 115 the day she gave birth to me and weighs about 125 now. No clue. LOL My daughter was 10 at the time of my surgery and was the BEST cheerleader. She was nervous pre-op but she was the BEST as soon as I got home.
You've spent a lot of time researching so you know it's what you need to do. Take the negativity out of it. If they won't be supportive, say thanks and keep them out of the loop. Honestly, my grandfather found out the day AFTER my surgery. He would have been all over me. So, he called and wanted to do lunch and my husband had to tell him. LOL But, my journey has been soooooo worth it. Do what YOU need to do for YOU. And, remember, you have all of us here!!!!
Best wishes!
Thanks so much for everything....
Actually, since this post, my mother has agreed to come to my surgeon appt and meet him and ask whatever questions/concerns she had. I have to say that the appt went very well and she seems much more at ease with my decision. Especially since at this stage - she knows that I'm not changing my mind. So that is making things a bit easier. But everyone was right and I am just keeping to myself on this and only talking with ppl that I know support me.
Thanks for everything and I'm glad I have ppl like you and the rest of the ppl on this site who are amazing people!!!