support groups in North Jers??
Looking over some past postings, here is the best information I could find.
According to the following posting:,messageboard/action,r eplies/board_id,4833/cat_id,4433/topic_id,3564850/
Support Group at ices/bariatric+surgery/classes+and+support+groups.html
and a group meets every 4th Thursday at Saint Clare’s in S1/CWLS_Support_Groups.asp
I also know that my Doctor’s group holds meeting at their office. There is one that “hosted” by Doctor Garrison, and the other is “hosted” by Doctors Bertha/Abkin. I think the Abkin/Bertha meetings are the last Thursday of the month. I am not sure when Doctor Garrison’s meetings are. I believed they are open to anyone, but I could be wrong. It would be best to call them. Here is their website:
I would love to know about the one held in
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