Anyone know of a support group in NW NJ?
I belong to a group that meets in Bound Brook every Tuesday at 7pm at the Bound Brook Presbyterian Church on the corner of Mountain Ave and Route 28. Very easy access from Routes 22 and 287. I know it may seem a little far but we have a guy from Three Bridges that attends and someone from P-burg as well.
Hope to see you there!
Hi I live in Washington.The boro in Warren county not 1 of the 5000 Washington Twps lol.I attend the post op support meetings at Barix in LAnghorne PA.It takes me roughly between 60&90 mins to get there& I go the back wayalong rt 29 or 32 depending on my mood.It's a great group of people & worth the drive.Have you checked Easton Hospital?They may have one but I think you should give Barix a try.Good luck
If Denville (located in Morris County) isn't too far, they have meetings the 4th Thursday of every month.
Gastric Bypass patients meet between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.. Banded patients meet 7:15 a.m. to 8:15 a.m..
Here is their link: upport_Groups.asp
That’s all I am aware of. Hope this was helpful