Update on Vicki Vega
Hi everyone.I got this message from her hubby & wanted to pass it along.I'll be visiting her this afternoon & will update later.HAve a nice day
i hope this is the right person, this is Angel, vicki's husband. She wanted me to tell you the surgery went great, and she is feeling sore, but fine. Her room is # 204, phone # 267-572-3256. She also asked that you could post on the website that the surgery was good, and that she is fine. thank you, Thanks everyone! I dont feel so wonderful, but I keep on sipping and keep on walking...and I am hoping it all blends into the past.
Question for you other post oppies out there...How tired were you when you got home??
We got home from Barix about 12 and I went and slept till 3ish, then took a shower and some meds and was back and asleep in bed by 5. I slept most of the night off and on until 8am.
Is that normal??!!?
And how long does this pain last?!?! UGH! I know it is so worth it, but man!!!