For those who...
For all of those who have had the RNY I am interested in knowing if you had any complications especially long term.....e.g. post op several years...also have any of you had a problem with loose skin after the surgery....
I have now started on my 6 months Dr supervised diet before approval ( 5 months to go) and just had a few questions... Also for those who had to do the 6 month spvr. diet did you wait until the 6 months are up to schedule an appt with your surgeon? I have 5 months to go and will be done around August..just wandering if I have to wait until the 6 months have been completed before making the appt. Just thinking I wanted to get the ball rolling before the Spvr. diet was completed..
Also complications long term concern me..I work with someone who had it and told me NOT to get it done because she believes there is not enough long term research done on the repercussions of the surgery..
Another concern of mine is loose skin...When I went to my surgeons seminar (Dr. Bertha) they had explained that insurance companies will sometimes cover tummy tucks if medically necessary..but Im also concerned with loose skin in my thigh area..I know I probably would need a tummy tuck..because mine is extremely loose and flabby..partly because of weight but alot of it because of the two C-sections I have had. My stomach is like a hanging skirt its gross (sorry for the TMI)
Any other advice on how I should prep myself in th enext few months would be greatly appreciated...
Thank You
Hi Stacey:
I am 2 years, 4 months post op, and so far I am down 193 lbs (7 pounds from goal). I started out at 360 lbs, and I am 5'5". I was also 39 years old when I had surgery (no kids though). I am not going to lie - I have loose skin. It does not interfere with my life - I have never had any kind of rash or problems. I dance, take yoga, and now run - no problems associated with the skin. I have some pics posted on my profile - you can see I look decent in clothes
I had one complication, and honestly, it was my fault. I had a perforated ulcer at 1 year out. I had picked up smoking again (I have smoked for about 20 years on and off, but had quit for several years prior to my surgery). Anyway, work, life had become stressful, so I started smoking again. About 1 - 2 months after I started smoking about 1/2 pack per day, I developed the ulcer. My surgeon said that he sees these kinds of ulcers in people who smoke, so if you do smoke - quit now, and do not pick it back up!!
I am also concerned with long term complications, particularly with malnutrion and malabsorption of nutrients - so I can understand where your friend is coming from. I work closely with my nutritionist to make sure I am eating as healthy as I can and taking the correct supplements. I HIGHLY recommend working with a nutrionist long term. I plan on seeing mine every few months forever!! I am serious! She helps me make the best food choices, and keeps me on track. Please remember - this is not a quick fix - you will need to monitor your diet forever! I think many people do not realize this.
I think if I were you, I would make a few consultation appointments now, while you are completing your supervised diet. It may take a few months to get an appointment. See a few surgeons - you want to choose the surgeon whose credientials you trust, and who you gel with.
I hope that I have helped - please feel free to pm me if you have any other questions. Best of luck to you!!

Dr. Bertha is an excellent surgeon and has an excellent staff. His office also has an excellent program that educates their patients. The other surgeons associated with his office Dr. Abkin and Dr. Garrison are also excellent surgeons with great reputations. By the way, Dr. Garrison does tummy tucks and told me at my follow up visit that he gives a discount to their patients.
Those words are so comforting to me..I truly felt very comfortable with Dr Bertha right away after the seminar....He seemed very honest and frank and has performed this surgery many many times...Dr Garrison was also at the seminar and I liked him as well...a discount on a tummy tuck is a beautiful thing..I know I will need one..honestly I need one now after my two c-sections..I have lost so much skin just hangs....and it hurts my back because it pulls you forward and off balance...How long was your approval time? How quickly did they schedule you for surgery? How many days were you in hospital for? And how long until you were recuperated enough that you could go back to work? (If you do work)
Thank you so much for your advice
I felt the same way Stacey. I had two hernia operations performed by him prior to my RNY and was worried about waking up after my RNY and hearing that he could not do the RNY because of all the scar tissue from the previous operations. It was like he could read my mind because as I was waiting to be wheeled into surgery he assured me he could work around the scar tissues from the other surgeries. It took 10 days for my insurance to approve me. I believe they scheduled my date when they submitted my insurance. However, my date had to be postponed twice because of the hernias. I was in the hospital 2 nights and 3 days. I was out 3 weeks but mostly because we are not that busy and the 3rd week was the week of New Years and it did not make sense to go in just for a few days. (I am per diem). You will be very tired in the afternoon for about 6 weeks so expect that. I am happy to answer any more questions you may have.
This is such a wonderful and scary journey. Congrats on starting your 6 mos diet.
I am just about 6 mos out, so I don't have any long term info for you. What I can tell you is that I am 5'3" and pre op high weight was 235. I then lost some weight before surgery, date of surgery I was 219. As of today, I am 155. I was wearing a size 22/24 and am now in a size 8/10. I go to the gym religiously, keep track of my protein and fluids in a nazi like manner, and really contemplate ANYTHING that goes into my mouth.
My surgeon does blood work every 3 mos for the first year, and right now everything looks good. After that it's supposed to be yearly, but I also have a thyroid disorder so I will be getting blood work for that during the year and my primary will also recheck my labs during those times, too.
I strongly agree with the nutritionist thing - very important and very very helpful. My surgeon (in pa) has nuts on staff with whom you meet with EVERYTIME you meet with the surgeon, plus we have their phone numbers in order to contact them any time with questions.
Yes, I have lose skin. I was 26 at time of surgery, turned 27 shortly there after. No kids. But my upper thighs had cellulite on them before surgery, so that is starting to sag no matter how many leg exercises I do. I am impressed with my abdomen thus far - although now I see the skin starting to sag in my pelvic area. I am working on that, but will probably have that issue regardless. My triceps are sagging as well ("old bingo lady flap" as some people call it) which I expected as well - what I didn't expect is the skin between my underarms and boobs - that's beginning to sag a bit, but is covered by the bra strap and shirts I wear.
I will not follow the plastic surgery route until after my husband and I have had children. I just don't see the point of it when I will probably stretch it all out to some degree with pregnancy anyway.
Good luck on your journey, welcome to the boards.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Hi Stacy
I'm only about 6 months out so I can't help you about long term questions but my doc is Dr. Garrison and I have had no problems (except the few I caused myself by eating too fast).
I've lost 90 lbs since my surgery and I have loose skin which will probably get worse before it gets better but it's WORTH it!
My suggestion - (I did this and it helped alot) - go to several of the groups pre-surgical meetings. Even if you don't have questions, other people may ask things that you have not thought about. Hearing the answers now will help eliminate surprises later. Also, I started going to a support group during my 6 month diet period. Again, you can learn alot from talking with people who either just had surgery or some who are farther out.
Education is your best friend - the more you know the better. Just don't let the "down side" get to you - everyone I have talked to that had problems STILL thinks it's the best thing they ever did!
Lots of Luck with your 6 months - it will go fast!